I took one and munched into it.

"These are delicious!" I said and then blushed when I realised I had said it with my mouth full.

"I'm glad you think so." She smiled.

We all went back into the living room and I sat down beside Grandpa while he and Dad spoke about the football. We stayed like that until Gran shouted us for dinner.

"It's just a Shepherds pie tonight." She said and laid the dish on the table. "I've got Turkey for tomorrow."

I looked across the table to where Niall and Harry were sitting and Dad and Papa were feeding them. I huffed and played with my food, suddenly not hungry.

"Zayn don't play with your food." Papa said and I dropped my fork.

"Come on Zayn, you need to eat." Dad said and I made no move to do so.

Dad sighed and brought my plate closer to him. He then move my chair so it was closer to him.

"Right Zayn, I'll feed you until you're finished." He said and I inwardly cheered.

I ate my whole dinner with Dad feeding me and after I'd finished he wiped my face with a napkin and praised me.

"Well done baby! What a good boy you were eating all your din- dins." He said like he usually says to Harry. Although I wanted to be fed, I blushed after that statement.

After dinner we all went back to the living room and yet again Niall and Harry sat with Dad and Papa. I sat on the floor and huffed and thew my phone.

"Zayn! We do not throw things! Especially our phones because they're expensive." Papa said but I ignored him.

"Zayn, are you listening to me?" He said and I kicked my foot on the carpet.

Gran whispered something to Dad and a look of realisation came across his face. Dad then said something to Papa and Gran and Grandpa took Harry and Niall into the kitchen.

"Zayn lets go upstairs and talk for a minute." Dad said and pulled me upstairs, Papa following behind us. We went into the guest bedroom where all of our bags are.

"Zayn do you want to tell me what that mini tantrum was down stairs?" Dad asked and I sighed.

"Just wanted attention." I mumbled.

"Oh baby. I'm sorry if we don't give you attention all the time but you need to stop thinking we'll leave you out on purpose. We love you so much Zee." Papa said.

Now I realised how I must've looked like a toddler having a tantrum and my cheeks burned.

"I'm sorry for throwing my phone, and for having Dad feed me like a baby." I sighed.

"Not at all love. I know you like being babied sometimes and that's okay. You're still a kid." Dad said.

"Since you want as much attention as Harry and Niall you can be treated like them for the rest of our stay here okay?" Papa said.


"It's okay Zee. We know you want more attention." Dad shushed me.

Ohana (Lilo family) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt