I decided to smoke a cigarette on the way home. My nerves were jumbled up in my stomach over everything that had happened within the past twenty-four hours.

Emma and I had slept together. What did that mean? Usually it was just another lay to me, but somewhere deep down it didn't feel that way. It was different.

And I had to face Megan in a few minutes. Something I shouldn't care about, but I did. Why did I care? Was it because she was a friend? Was it because I lived with her? I didn't know.

Eventually I couldn't avoid it any longer and stepped through the front door. She was sitting at the counter with her laptop open. Probably working on her school stuff. My body heated up under her glare.

But she didn't say a word.

I proceeded inside and grabbed myself a bottle of water. She proceeded to ignore me. Why now that I was here she had nothing to say?

"So you're not gonna bitch me out?" I asked.

She remained silent.



I moved closer even though I should escape while I could. "Can you at least tell me how you got my number?"

"Shawn left it for me in case of an emergency," she stated.

"And you considered that an emergency?"

"Yes!" she shouted. "Jesus Sam, it's normal to go out and have fun but when you tell someone you'll be home in the morning they expect you to stay true to that! I woke up and you weren't here! And I had no idea where you were... For all I knew you could've been dead!"

Well, I hadn't expected that kind of outburst, but at least we were getting somewhere.

"It's not like I planned to fall asleep," I defended.

She huffed. "Of course."

"Look, I'm sorry," I apologized.

She was silent again.

"Megan, really, I am."

Her eyes met mine, a nasty look on her face. "Is that...? Have you been smoking?"

Caught. I shrugged. "I had one on the way home."

"You smoke cigarettes?"


"Disgusting," she stated.


"Well okay then. Can I go shower now that you're done bitching me out?"

"Please, you smell like a hooker."

"You're grumpy in the morning," I claimed.

"It's almost noon, and yeah I am grumpy when irresponsible nineteen-year-olds lie to me."

I rolled my eyes and disappeared into the bathroom. Sometimes, Megan could be a royal pain in my ass, but I found myself grateful for it in the end.

* * *

Beer bottles. A sea of glass covered the floor as I trudged to the front door. The doorbell was screaming through my ears while someone continued to press it over and over again.

"I'm coming!" I yelled.

They were persistent, and the bottles made it hard to walk. I passed my dad in the living room. He was passed out. Another empty bottle in his hand.

I answered the door but no one was there. Who was ringing the doorbell then? I turned around and saw my mom in the doorframe to the kitchen. She was just staring at me. She looked sad. Why did she look so sad?

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlxGirl) NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now