Chapter Twelve: The Fatality: Someone's Watching

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I’m literally freaking out right now! I can’t believe this is going on…I’m literally so fucking scared!

“on his way here?! What the hell am I supposed to do now?!” I exclaimed

“ma’am calm down, now answer my question…is there any way possible for you and your boyfriend to leave town right now? I need to know that…” he said to me in a very stern serious tone

“um…” I was hysterical, my face was wet and my body was trembling “hold on a second I have to ask him” I said taking my cell phone and covering the speaker with my hand as I spoke to Abel “they wanna know if…” I said beginning to hyperventilate

“they wanna know what??” he said eagerly but I was too shaken up to cooperate “Asia damn it! What?!” he exclaimed

“they…” I said beginning to shake even harder

I couldn’t contain myself, I was just too scared to fucking imagine what was going on with us. I couldn’t believe this was happening. A fucking killer was on it’s way to do harm to us? I don’t know what this guy’s intentions were but I sure as hell wasn’t up for finding out either!

Abel became impatient; he didn’t wait around any longer. He snatched the phone from me without hesitation. I didn’t mind either; I wasn’t in any state to cooperate with him anyway.


Fuck this! I had to find out what was going on with her. Everything’s so fucked up right now and I’m sick of waiting around to find out what it is. I needed to know. It’s causing everything I’m doing to suffer. I’m constantly grieving or fucking worried about something. It’s getting to the point where being fucked up isn’t making a difference or not and who can be fucked up when you constantly have to be on alert from someone who has a hit out for your ass. It’s crazy as fuck!

“hello?” I said on the phone

“hello is this miss Carson’s boyfriend?” the man asked me

“yeah, it is, now what the hell is up??” I asked frustrated

“well sir, your girl friend has reported to us a series of eerie phone calls she’s been receiving, do you know anything about that?” he asked me

“yeah, yeah I know all about that…but she told me you asked her a question, what is it?”

“well we’ve found out that the last phone call she received was placed right outside of the city, we can’t confirm that whoever is harassing her will travel to the city as of now but we can’t be too cautious, is there a way you and her can make it out of the city at least no later than tonight??” he asked sternly

“yeah, I can arrange for that” I said

“perfect, now listen to me, arrange for you both to leave the town as low key as possible, that means grab as little necessities as possible, do not make it obvious, I understand you are famous Mr. Tesfaye…but do your best under every circumstance to make this as discreet as possible…the last thing we want is anyone knowing your new location” he said

“alright cool I can do that, I’m good with staying low key” I said surely “but I’m not up for running from anybody…what the fuck does he plan on doing? Killing someone? He doesn’t fucking know me at all man…” I said getting angry suddenly

“sir, I can assure you the main thing they want from you is your girlfriend right now…I’m sure you know how to protect yourself but there is another life involved and you have to put hers in front right now, a man is traveling from city to city, walking up to random women asking to use their cell phones to call your girlfriend’s phone, when he does this he makes threatening gestures that leave her uncomfortable, the man we’re dealing with is not only smart but he is determined and this is a very dangerous combination…he knows by using his device we would be able to track his location with no problem, instead he uses unsuspecting women on the streets, women we cannot track back to him…this man has an intention and you shouldn’t stick around to see what it is…” he said very seriously

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