Chapter Three: Changing Faces

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19 Months Later - Senior Year Graduation


It’s graduation night and I’m super ecstatic for this new chapter in my life. Abel dropped out last year, in junior year in February. Since then, we’ve tried to keep our relationship strong but it hasn’t been doing well since we realized we’re on two separate pathways. He’s been working on his music and I’ve been working on school. It’s been hard to stay in touch and to keep common conversation; it’s always a catching up kind of thing which gets old when you can’t keep commenting. In essence, we’ve been growing apart.

“Asia Carson” the woman on the speaker calls my name to receive my diploma

I then hear screams and shouts erupt from the bleachers, some are my older friends, and plenty of my cousins who came out to support me. my mother was there hollering and taking photos. It was a proud moment, I just wish Abel was here to enjoy it with me.

I shook the hand of our principal, I was one of the few students who had golden honor cords around my neck and honor ribbons pinned to my white silky gown. They indicate you were an honor roll student and graduating with a high GPA. The camera man snapped a picture of the exchange of the diploma from her hand to mine. This was really exciting and overwhelming for me.

I look over and I seen a familiar face easing their way through the huge crowd in the stands, they seem like they were being low key. They found a place and sat down slouching back in the seat. What made them stand out to me was the wicked fade in their hair and short stature. It was Abel. This just made me happier. Even though he dropped out he still came to see me graduate. I didn’t even fill him in on the information, he must have found out the date and times from another student, that means even more to me. he was running late but the fact that he showed his face made me happy.

He seen that I was up there receiving my diploma and stood to wave. I waved back at him and winked at him as I blew a kiss. He pretended he caught it and smiled before sitting back down.


Asia and I haven’t been together, we’ve been pretty separate since I dropped out. My mom kicked me out of the house and I’ve been staying with La Mar since. I go back to visit my baby sister every now and then, my moms and I haven’t been getting along since I dropped out. It’s been something that I want to pursue though. It’s a big chance to take but so far I’ve been recording music and I love it. I’m proud of Asia though, she’s so smart. I had to come to support her whether we’ve been close or not.

Damn she looks so good…


“Justin Case” was the next name the lady called out after mine

His name was always after mine because of his last name. I always thought his name was pretty clever, he’s named after a slogan: “just incase”.

I watched from the other side of the stage as Justin walked up and collected his diploma. He was surely taller than most so he stuck out in his royal blue gown. He too, had golden honor cords and ribbons added to his attire. He excelled in science courses like chemistry and physics which led to him excelling in math classes like geometry, algebra, and trigonometry. I must say, he’s very intelligent and by him being a basketball star since freshman year he was definitely riding on a full sports scholarship to any college he chose.

We’ve been getting a lot closer believe it or not. I took it hard when Abel dropped out so Justin was the best friend I had to lean on at the time. We found a lot in common when we began hanging out. It was easy to hang with him since we seen each other in practices and games. When our team won and we’d go out to celebrate we were always getting closer. He’s amazingly funny, charming, and cute. Unfortunately he doesn’t have much family here for him because his mom isn’t his biggest fan if you know what I mean. So a few cousins and an auntie showed up for him.

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