Yet, he knew the reason why.

"Gee, Stoick, you look terrible," Gobber said which earned him a glare from the chief, "I'm serious. You look like you haven't got a good night's sleep,"

Stoick sucked in a breath, "The village cannot last through the winter without enough food. It is my duty to feed the entire village. It is my duty to protect the village from any dragon attacks," Stoick turned to his friend, "Of course I can't get any shut eye. Sleep is for the weak!"

Gobber stared at the chief in disbelief.

He knew the chief was as stubborn as Hel, and he was just making up excuses to hide the real reason he was troubled.

It was time to let it out of him.

"I don't think that's the only reason," Gobber eyed the red haired chief closely; "You're missing him, aren't you?"

Stoick quickly averted his eyes from the blacksmith.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Gobber,"

Gobber rolled his eyes, "You know who I'm talking about; your son,"

Stoick shifted his enormous weight.

Although Gobber was right, Stoick denied any emotional attachment or memories he held of that Berk traitor.

"I don't have a son," Stoick stated in denial, "That...boy is a traitor. He had thrown himself with that-''

"Banishment was too harsh for the young lad," Gobber interjected, "That lad is only fifteen when you banished him. He's too young to be on his own,"

Stoick stayed silent for a moment. He looked dully up at the gloomy sky.

Ever since the dreaded boy left, every day Stoick tried to forget about him.

Yet, a chunk of him was holding him back.

Everywhere he went, even in his sleep, all he could think about was that boy.

He had failed his wife. Well, at least the boy was with his mother in Valhalla now.

"The village doesn't need that traitor. I don't need him," Stoick paused abruptly, "He has betrayed us all,"

Gobber opened his mouth to speak. Then closed it, realising there was nothing more he could say.

"Well, wherever he is, I'm sure he misses you," the old blacksmith patted Stoick's shoulder, "The village needs you, Stoick. You can't stand around drowning in your own guilt,"

Stoick scoffed, "I'm not drowning in my own guilt-''

"You've barely gotten enough sleep, Stoick," Gobber pointed out, "You've been distracted lately, and you haven't been much like yourself. The village needs their chief,"

With nothing else to say, Gobber limped down towards the village.

Stoick watched his friend leave. He stayed in the cold a bit longer.
Then he drew a breath and made his way down towards the village.


Ever since they left Berk, Hiccup and Toothless have travelled across the Barbaric Archipelago, exploring lands they've never seen before.

Hiccup would jot down the places they've visited, and dragons they've encountered.

However, some lands containing civilization weren't very welcoming. They had many trust issues about fire breathing beasts on their shores.

So it was best to avoid those places.

An array of terrible terrors squawked passed.

Rider and dragon watched in awe as the colourful sight migrated to the south.

No Turning Back (A HTTYD Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now