Chat Noir and Jade Turtle: Part Seventy-One

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Adrian nudged Nino with his elbow suggestively. "Hah, I'm surprised you were able to keep a straight face around her!"

"Oh, that's rich, coming from the lovesick unrequited kitty-cat lover?" Nino shot back. "Come on, I don't care how much I love her, she deserves way better than me."

Adrian didn't understand. "But you love her!"

"But she doesn't love me." Nino replied stiffly.

The two were walking towards a shopping center to pick up food and medicine for the girls. Adrian was beginning to regret bringing up the subject, but he was still curious about the two of them.

"So, how are you going to act around her as Jade Turtle?" Adrian asked.

"What does that mean?" Nino asked.

"I mean, she doesn't know it's you. It's like being around her without worrying about dealing with all the previous baggage." Adrian explained. "How are you going to act?"

"Uh, I don't know, the same?" Nino suggested. "I still want to protect her. I just won't try to get too close to her. If I do, and she finds out who I am, I really will lose her forever."

Adrian crossed his arms. "What about her? I noticed how she was blushing around you, she probably doesn't know it yet, but she thinks you're cute."

"You don't know that, you hopeless romantic." Nino shot him a sour look. "Even if she did, once she finds out who I am that feeling will be gone. I'd rather just avoid that and push her away."

"That's..." Adrian's rebuttal trailed off.

"I don't want to talk about this, Adrian." Nino sighed dejectedly. "Let's just get the food and get back, please. Let me worry about my problems for now."

Adrian nodded. "I'm sorry. Just... You don't have to worry about them alone, okay? I'm here to talk if you need."

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