The New Holders: Part Twenty-Six

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Nino struggled against the ropes that kept him bonded to the chair. He was at the Kidz+ TV building, where the Peacock girl planned to broadcast in order to get Ladybug and Chat Noir's attention.

His mom, no, Assaultress caught him trying to text for help. She had told him he didn't need protection from his own mother. Assaultress's obsessive desire to protect him reminded Nino of a PTSD victim, forcibly protecting their children from an imaginary foe. But really, in this case, the only thing that was a danger to Nino was Assaultress. But she refused to see it, refused to believe she actually terrified her own son.

Nino stopped struggling when he heard the door to the studio he was tied up in open.

"Nino, darling, I've returned!" Assaultress called out. "And I've brought you some company!" She threw Volpina's limp, unresponsive form at Nino's feet.

"A- Volpina!" Nino cried, stopping himself from saying Volpina's real name.

"Assaultress, what have you done to her?!" Nino asked, raw desperation leaking through his words.

"Call me mom, dear." Assaultress chided. "And all I did was give her insight."

"Insight? Of what?"

"A vision." Assaultress grinned. "Of the one she loves most hurting her."

Nino was horrified. Alya really cared about him... And if Assaultress wasn't lying... And looking down at her wide-eyed, unblinking, unmoving form, he felt helpless to save her. He wasn't a superhero. What could he do?

"Assaultress, please stop all this." Nino begged, tearing his gaze from Volpina.

Assaultress let out an exasperated sigh. "Nino, how many times have I told you to call me mom?"

"No." Nino swallowed hard. "I won't call you my mom. You lost that title when you started hurting people. You're not my mom anymore, you've become a monster. You're Assaultress now."

Nino's words hurt her more than her husband's abuse ever could. Tears streamed down her cheeks.

Steel Peacock, who had been hiding in the scaffolding for the stage lights, growled in frustration and pressed the gem on her Miraculous.

"We're losing her, Hawkmoth! Step in, or I will!" She hissed, but there was no answer.

"Must I do everything myself?!" Steel Peacock growled and jumped down from the scaffolding.

"Assaultress, stop this. All he's doing is manipulating and guilt-tripping you! All he is, an ungrateful little brat who's caused you nothing but trouble and grief. If it weren't for him, you could've left years ago! Why should you listen to a word coming out of his mouth?" Steel Peacock spoke as manipulatively as Hawkmoth when he was Akumatizing others. "Remember: who is the adult here?"

Assaultress nodded to Steel Peacock. "You're right." She turned back to Nino. "I'd hold your tongue, if you don't want me to rip it from your mouth." She snarled, her previous remorse forgotten.

Nino clamped his mouth shut. He didn't believe Assaultress's threats were empty.

Assaultress grinned at her son's fear with a dark glint in her eyes, and then she turned around to speak with Steel Peacock.

The jewel on Steel Peacock's miraculous faintly glowed, and Steel Peacock cleared her throat. "Excuse me." She stepped away from Assaultress and pressed the jewel.

"Fabulous timing, ane." Steel Peacock emphasized on that last insult. "Where were you two minutes ago?"

"I was testing you." Hawkmoth disregarded her remark. "You did quite well to regain our control on Assaultress."

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