The New Holders: Part Fourty-Five

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Queen Bee anxiously scanned the sky. There were so many people at the festival, who's to say they'd even be able to evacuate the area?

Volpina nudged her with an elbow. "C'mon, there aren't any birds up there who'd take a dump on you. Focus on what's happening now."

Queen Bee shot her a look. "Oh, be quiet. I'm not worried about any pigeons." She shuffled her hands a bit, wondering how to explain her nervousness. "I'm just a bit concerned about how... Um, 'Monsieur Papillon' will react to this little festival."

Volpina sighed. "Look, I get where you're coming from, but he'd have to be a total idiot to attack us here and now. It's not like last time where it was a divide-and-conquer with taking me out first, all of us are here right now, and even if she does show up with some akuma, we'll be ready."

Queen Bee sighed. "If you say so, V."

Suddenly, she spotted two figures high in the sky, moving too fast to be birds. Queen Bee jumped up and stood up on her chair.

"I see something. I'm gonna check it out."

Volpina almost fell out of her chair. "Wait, Bee, don't just-" But Queen Bee had already jumped off and flown up to inspect whatever she had seen.

As she got closer, the two figures became clearer and clearer. One she recognized, one she didn't. She was here, as promised.

The new akuma was a girl, maybe around her age. She had long bleach-white hair, styled gorgeously so that it fell loquaciously past her shoulders. Her face was perfectly contoured and her features were so exaggeratedly flawless it almost hurt to look at her. Her body was covered in a suit and a long cape that shimmered with all sorts of colors, with the colors shifting and molding into all sorts of shapes and patterns and combinations, almost like a rainbow lava lamp. One different thing, was that this girl, unlike most other akumas, had no mask. But with all that makeup, Queen Bee didn't hesitate to assume a mask wasn't necessary to hide her identity.

Steel Peacock flew towards her, leaving her akuma behind. "Miss Blogger, go down there and uphold your promise!" She barked to the other girl. "I'll deal with this one!"

"Got it!" The akuma, Miss Blogger nodded eagerly and flew off towards the crowd.

Queen Bee turned back to Steel Peacock. "I don't suppose she's got super-hearing?" She flew closer to Steel Peacock and threw a fake punch that would be convincing enough to anyone below watching.

Peacock dodged it easily. "Nope. She's just some I-Should've-Gotten-This-Instead-Of-Whoever, and now she's on an endless quest to show she'd be more popular than whoever, and blah blah blah." Steel Peacock summoned her bow and quiver and shot a few metal feathers as she spoke, with Queen Bee also easily dodging those.

"Should be easy enough to defeat." Queen Bee said, summoning her shield to deflect more of Steel Peacock's lazily shot arrows. "Hawky suspect anything?"

Steel Peacock sighed. "No, but I don't know how much longer I can keep up the charade. I don't want to hurt anyone anymore... I don't want to hurt you."

"You have to, Sabrina!" Queen Bee pleaded. "I know it's gonna hurt, but we need to do this. Now, hit me as hard as you can!"

She let her shield down, and Steel Peacock let loose a punch that sent her rocketing back to the panel like a meteor. The impact of the hit hurt so much, Queen Bee honestly thought she might've vomited up some broken ribs. She fell from the sky, still paralyzed from the punch until she crashed onto a table, which shattered into splinters under the impact of her fall.

Volpina heard a crash from behind her before whirling around to see a dazed Queen Bee moaning in pain. She ran towards her, worried.

"Bee! Are you okay?" Volpina looked her over, only to recoil in shock upon seeing her right leg. "Oh my god, you're bleeding!"

Queen Bee sat up urgently, only to be hit by a pounding headache. "Ow... Wait, where?"

"Your leg..." Volpina looked at the sliver of wood jabbed into her leg and winced. "That's a really long piece of wood..."

Queen Bee cringed a bit, seeing the sliver stuck in her bleeding leg. "Volpina, can you get me a towel or scarf or something?" She enclosed her hands around the sliver, palms sweaty and shaky, as she mentally prepared herself for the pain that would come when she pulled it out.

Volpina nodded grimly and ran off to find some kind of cloth. It was utter chaos in the festival. The new akuma, who had yelled out that her name was Miss Blogger, apparently had the power to seduce others into being her slaves/fans with her looks. Luckily it didn't work on everyone, seeing as Chat Noir and Ladybug were holding her off pretty well.

But what's gonna happen when Steel Peacock shows up? Volpina thought anxiously.

A familiar cry of pain reminded Volpina of what she was looking for. She looked around desperately, before spotting a boy in the crowd with a white bandana. She flew towards him quickly.

"Hey, I really need your bandana!" Volpina begged. "My friend's bleeding out."

"Hang on, I'll do you one better!" He pulled out his backpack and dug around for a few seconds before pulling out a mini first-aid kit. He held it out to her, grinning. "I never leave home without it! There's some medical tape in there."

Volpina took the kit, letting out a sigh of relief. "I can't thank you enough! Please stay safe."

She raced back to Queen Bee, who was shaking in pain, with tears falling from her squinted eyes. The sliver of wood was out of her leg, but now the wound was bleeding even more. She was obviously trying to choke back her pain.

"Queen Bee, I've got some medical supplies for you." Volpina put the kit down next to her.

Queen Bee looked at her, so relieved she looked like she could breathe again. "Oh, thank god. G-go and fight, I can handle this."

Volpina's eyes glinted. "Bee, if you think I'm just gonna leave you here to stitch yourself up, you've got another thing coming!"

"Just go! I'll be okay!" Queen Bee shoved her away with one arm.

Volpina did not want to leave her there, but she couldn't let Ladybug and Chat Noir face this on their own. "Fine... But if you die, I swear I'll kill you." She ran back to the battle to assist her allies.

Queen Bee didn't even have the time or energy to process whatever Volpina just said, so instead she just pried her bloody left hand from covering her wound in order to have two free hands in patching up her leg.

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