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Ashton: When were you guys gonna tell me?

Calum: Tell you what?

Ashton: That you guys were dating!

Calum: No one asked each other out!

Ashton: Really?

Ashton: Saturday told a different story.

Calum: What are you talking about?

Ashton: That bulge you got on the ride to the mall.

Calum: Random boner, you know that!

Ashton: Mhmm, with Luke rubbing your leg like that.

Calum: you saw that?

Ashton: yes lover boy!

Calum: Shut up!

Ashton: Why can't you guys just date already?

Calum: because I don't know what I'm feeling!

Ashton: It's obvious that you guys like each other. Just ask him out!

Calum: I can't

Ashton: why not?

Calum: I don't know I just can't.

Ashton: Can I ask you something?

Calum: Sure.

Ashton: Would you look at a friend differently if they are gay?

Calum: I would never! Why?

Ashton: Cause I am gay.

Calum: Really? I would've never noticed!

Ashton: Are you being sarcastic?

Calum: Why would I be sarcastic about this? You're my best mate Ashton. You know that you can tell me anything.

Ashton: I'm so glad that I have you as a friend!

Calum: Same to you!

Ashton: Well. When are you gonna ask Luke out?

Calum: I have no idea.

Ashton: You better ask soon before he moves on.

Calum: Which I doubt it.

Ashton: Same. I saw the way he looks at you. He is totally into you.

Calum: You think so?

Ashton: I know so!

Calum: Hold on, Luke is texting me!

Ashton: ASK HIM OUT!

Luke Hemmings

Luke: Hey

Calum: Hey

Luke: I gotta tell you something!

Calum: What?

Luke: Can I compare you to a summers day?

Calum: huh?

Luke: you're hot.

Calum: Thanks, I get it from my mama.

Luke: You're so stupid!

Calum: I'm smart.

Luke: mhmm.

Calum: Is that all you have to tell me?

Luke: That is about it.

Calum: Well I have something to ask you.

Luke: What is it?

Calum: Just to tell you that you are awesome.

Luke: Really?

Calum: Yeah.

Luke: So what are we?

Calum: I don't even know.

Luke: I want us to be more!

Calum: Same.

Luke: Then let us be something more!

Calum: I know just give me some time. I'm still figuring things out.

Luke: Well, I'm tired, I'm going to bed.

Luke: Goodnight Hood.

Calum: Goodnight Hemmings.

Ashton Irwin

Ashton: Did you ask him out yet?

Calum: No!

Ashton: Chicken!

Calum: I know but you need to help me to ask him out!

Ashton: Calum.

Ashton: I'm not holding your hand through this.

Calum: No its not like that! I'm gonna write a song and I'm gonna perform it to him.

Ashton: And thats how you're gonna ask him out?

Calum: Yeah What do you think? In front of you guys or by ourselves?

Ashton: Your choice dude.

Calum: I think by myself.

Ashton: Ok and I wish you luck!

Calum: Thanks. Man I need lots of it at the moment.

Ashton: you're gonna do fine!

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