This wasn't right. The boulder was exactly where the entrance to the wardrobe should have been.

The frown on her face deepened as she tried to push the boulder out of the way, but it wouldn't budge. Her heart began to pound in her chest as a pit started to form in her stomach. Something was wrong.

Something was terribly wrong.

Trying again to push the boulder away, with no luck, she began to get frustrated and started beating the rock with her fists. "No!" She cried out in distress. "Digory! Please, let me in!" Her brother wouldn't intentionally lock her out, would he? Out of all three of her siblings, at least Digory wouldn't deliberately lock her out, she hoped.

She took a step away from the boulder seeing as there was still no luck, and her breathing began to quicken. This rock wasn't going anywhere. What if she was trapped? What if she couldn't get back home?

The sound of wolves howling in the distance took Elizabeth's attention away from the boulder for a second. They found her.

Once more and more desperately, she tried to move the rock. But just as before, it would not budge. Another howl of the wolves sent Elizabeth away from the boulder and back into the woods. She couldn't stay put, but where would she go? The only way she knew to get back home was through the wardrobe. What if there was no other way back?

Either way, she couldn't just wait until the wardrobe decided to let her back in, so she continued to run further away. Maybe the wardrobe would open back up later, and she could come back. Until then, she had to get as far away from the wolves as she could. The Queen could not find her; she couldn't end up like her eldest brother and sister. No, she wouldn't end up like her eldest brother and sister.

Everything seemed like a blur. It all looked the same to her. How could she possibly know if she was even escaping the wolves instead of running towards them? Unfortunately, she didn't have time to think it through because another howl let her know that the wolves were advancing on her. As fast as her legs would allow her to run, she took off far away from the howling as she could manage.

After running for about a minute or so, Elizabeth's breathing began to waver. She was too tired to run. The pain in her forehead certainly wasn't helping either. She didn't know how much longer she could keep this up. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and she could feel it beating in her ears. She started to lose feeling in her arms and legs, and she could hardly even see straight.

However far she had managed to run, she found herself at the edge of a cliff that quickly stopped her in her tracks. Waving her arms out to balance herself, rocks tumbled towards the bottom of a ravine that her feet had managed to kick down in her halt. She quickly backed away from the edge of the abyss. There was no way she was going down there.

She turned around to run back into the woods, but before she could, a wolf jumped out from behind a tree and started creeping towards her, causing her to yelp in fright. The wolf was snarling at her, and Elizabeth could only imagine that he had come to kill her, and indeed he had. This particular wolf was the Captain of the Witch's Secret Police, known as Maugrim, who was entrusted by the Queen with the strict orders of exterminating the remaining Son of Adam and Daughter of Eve. No matter what happened, he could not fail the Queen. 

He began to snicker at Elizabeth at her troubled face. She was completely terrified; this might prove to be easier than he previously thought. "Why my lady?" He taunted her. "Why are you running? Surely you didn't think you could outrun us?" As if right on cue, more wolves continued to stalk out of the woods at Maugrim's last words and began advancing on Elizabeth, trapping her on the edge of the cliff.

A Daughter of AslanWhere stories live. Discover now