The betrayal

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The whole mountain shook as if it was going to blow up. Rocks fell from the ceiling of the cave and cracks formed below them. It was at this moment, Zack knew he needed to run. And sure enough, he did. The 3 of them ran outside the mountain and quickly made their way down. Zack looked baffled at all this.

"WHAT'S GOING ON!?!?!" He yelled.

Daisy looked at them. It was at this moment that both Zack and Kyle were in disbelief. Daisy vile... spread across her face was a twisted grin and a menacing look of evil. She laughed wildly.

"YOU FOOLS!!! I can't believe you fell for my cute act! Hahaha! Everyone fell for it!" She giggled.

"W... w-w-what are you s-saying!?" Questioned Zack.

"Oh let me tell you exactly what's going on you insolent little child! I lured you into fantasy world myself! I needed chosen warriors to help me on my mission. Only 2 would do. And you fit perfectly! But I needed to see who I could trust... Who would help me and do all this! So I had an arena battle! Whoever won would help me on my mission! And even though you 2 were able to escape, I saw potential. Heheh..."

"So all this time you were manipulating us like a puppet!?!?!" Yelled Kyle in brute anger.

"Yes! Of course! Fitting in with Etho and Zin was far too easy. Zin was far too gullible... he cared so much for lil me! Hehehe! And I was the one that faked those file documents! I needed Zin and everyone else to rebel against Etho. He's too dangerous to the boss' plans. And they legit fell for it! Hahaha! Users and humans. What's the difference?! They are all just mindless zombies that corrupt the universal order the boss made! I'm here to stop it" she said.

Suddenly, Kyle went in for a brutal punch. But Daisy somehow got behind him faster than he could even move a single muscle in his body. She grinned.

"Wow! You don't have the powers don't ya?" She said.

"You're a human like us you got no powers!?" Growled Zack.

"There is a way to unlock that power but why should I tell you? Now... what will happen next is the force field that's keeping all users away will be broken. Shattered! Split into a million pieces until nothing is left! Then I can manipulate the users to unleash a full scale attack on your planet! This is the beginning! The beginning of s-" said Daisy before she dodged more punches from Kyle.

"Let me finish will ya!?"

"You monster!" Yelled Zack.

He went to get out his users... but... they were gone... they must've been left behind as no user was allowed through the force field. Daisy laughed a lot more.

"Zack... I always hated you the most" said Daisy.

She jumped up and slammed him across the floor knocking him out. Kyle's instincts yelled at him to go help him but... he was stopped by Daisy. Kyle couldn't believe this. To come so far as to fail like this...

Meanwhile, all the users including Zin, Faithful and Etho were still gathered around. Zin was still standing on the force field when suddenly, it shattered!!! Zin yelled as he fell all the way down.

"Zin!? Wait... the portal... can we get through?" Questioned Faithful as she flew down there.

"Hey! We can get through here!" She yelled.

It was at this moment that all the users cheered in joy. They all jumped through the portal. Escaping Fantasy world... or will they?

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