The doctor checked out your condition from the machine, fixing his glasses with two of his fingers. ''She will wake up soon.'' He said and then left the room. Right away, Mr. (s/n) and Mrs. (s/n) walked in and Kuroo stood up immediately, bowing to them in a apologizing way. He was afraid... afraid that he they didn't respect him anymore - he couldn't do anything to keep you unharmed. He was no hero, just an useless boyfriend.

''Tetsurou-san, we already discussed about this on the phone. It was an accident - you did everything you could.'' Mr. (s/n) said, his wife nodding her head quietly. Kuroo raised his gaze carefully to face your parents. He was surprised to not to see expressions with disappointed or anger. Your father looked emotionless but a little bit tired, your mother was smiling a little but that smile was fake - she had small tears on the corners of her eyes.

''I understand.'' Kuroo answered and nodded. ''Excuse me.'' he continued with a small bow before he left the room.

When your parents were certain that Kuroo had exited the room, they turned to look at you, their faces showing pain and worry. Your mother started sobbing as she noticed a breathing tube on your face and bandages all around your bare hands. 

''Oh, (f/n)...'' She said quietly as she took your hand, staring at your face closely.

''Please, come back to us. Your father and I - we are missing you - Kuroo, your boyfriend, is missing you. We all are.''


It was the eighth day after the horrible accident. Kuroo was standing near the window of your hospital room, still waiting for you to wake up. His heart felt weak, it felt much more weaker than when his team lost an important game. When he saw your crying mother and depressed father exit your room, he stopped breathing for a minute. 

He didn't care if he was missing an important practice before tomorrow's match. He wouldn't be going there, not if your didn't wake up before that. You were the most important thing in his life and without you, the match would mean nothing. Knowing that you wouldn't be there would ruin his mood and then the whole team's motivation. They would surely lose.

Then, he heard a loud beep coming from the machine. He noticed the great growth at your brain function. Without questioning, he rushed to your bed, staring at your face carefully. Next he moved his cheek closer to your mouth, feeling your breath stronger than before. 

Then, suddenly, he noticed a pair of (e/c) colored eyes - staring right at him.

You were awake.

''(f/n)!'' He sighed out, smiling at you with a biggest smile he could offer. You looked at him with tired eyes, still confused about what was going on.

''Ow, my head hurts.'' You suddenly said as you felt the bandages all around your body. Surprisingly you were still able to move your body. 

''Just, just hang on, I'll go get The doctor.'' He then said and rushed out of the room.

Strange, I don't remember what happened. You thought of yourself as you watched the white ceiling of the large hospital room.


''When will she able to leave the hospital?'' Mrs. (s/n) asked as he watched you and Kuroo talking happily with each other on your bed. The doctor looked uneasy since he couldn't possibly know if you were fine or not, it all depended on you. Your body had recovered from the smallest injuries but you had to use crutches for walking since your right leg was still recovering. But he wasn't sure about your head. He couldn't know what kind of brain damage the strong crash with the car had caused you.

''I would say she will recover in no time. But unfortunaly, we still have to keep her here and continue observing her condition at least for a day. Although she is feeling energetic and is able to communicate normally, there may still appear some changes in her stable condition.'' He asnwered.

Kuroo smiled at you softly as you continued laughing at his jokes. 

''Come on, (f/n), it wasn't even that funny.''

''Everything you say sounds funny to me.''

''Say. What would you say if you came to watch our match tomorrow?''


What was going on? Why wasn't you answering? 


''Ah... well, I, I won't make it. They still plan keeping me here at least for another day. I'm sorry, Kuroo, I really would have wanted to see you play.''

''Nah, It's fine. I'm sure someone takes pictures of us anyway. But I'll show you the prizes we get, alright?'' He said and pushed your shoulder gently with his knuckles.

''Yeah, ha ha, I would love that...'' You answered, faking a laugh and a smile.

You were in this condition and he was still planning to play tomorrow's match. You felt empty because even after the accident, he seemed to return back to your older life. You weren't able to describe how much it hurted.

Damn it Kuroo, why won't you understand?

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