"You are to me." He said and kissed my head.

"Stooooooop." I giggled. "You're so cheesy."

"Only for you princess." He winked.

Suddenly my phone buzzed and it JJ yet again.

Hey Zee, was wondering if you'd like to go out with me on Friday night? Just you and me, it'll get you away from Justin for a bit. I can tell he's a bit possessive.

I sighed and handed Justin my phone so he could read the text because if I didn't show him and he found out then he'd just get even more annoyed.

"What the fuck. He knows you're taken why does he have to be such a home wrecker."

"I don't know." I said cuddling into his said more.

"I'm glad you showed me baby. This way I'll be able to sort him out." He said and I pouted.

"Don't do anything stupid. Remember he's still Callum's friend." I said and he rolled his eyes but nodded.

Louis POV

"Boys! Dinners ready!" I shouted and Niall and Harry rushed in and sat at the table followed by Zayn and Justin who took a bit longer.

"What we're you two up to eh?" I smirked at them and Zayn blushed.

"Nothing! We were just watching a movie on my bed." Zayn said.

"Okay whatever you say Zee. Just remember we were young once." Liam said.

"Speak for yourself old man, I'm still young." I sassed.

We all tucked into dinner making small conversation about the day.

"So Niall how's Luke?" I asked as I've not seen the boy in a while.

"He's fine but he hasn't spoken to me as often as he used to since I got a girlfriend." He said and I nearly spat my water out.

"Girlfriend?!" I shrieked.

"Yeah, her name's Lucy and she's in my class."

"You're too young to have a girlfriend mister." I said, not happy that another one of my babies are growing up.

"Looks like mama bear's coming out of hibernation." Zayn said and Liam chuckled.

"Lou baby, calm down." Liam said and tried to rub my tense shoulders.

"So how long have you been 'going out' with this girl for." I said with air quotations around 'going out'.

"Two days! She shared her snack with me and we started talking and she's really nice!" He insisted.

"Dad, can Justin and I please be excused?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah, sure." I heard Liam say as I'm still trying to process this new I information.

"So did you ask her to be your girlfriend or did she ask you to be her boyfriend?" Liam asked finding the situation absolutely hilarious.

"I asked her." Niall said proudly.

"You haven't kissed yet have you?" I asked worriedly.

"No Papa! That's icky!" He said and I smiled.

"Good because hire not allowed to kiss anyone until you're married. Okay?" I said and he nodded.

"Can I go play now Papa?" He asked and I nodded.

"They're growing up Li." I said sadly.

"Don't be sad Papa! You've still got me!" Harry said while coming over to sit in my lap.

"Will you stay my little baby boy forever?" I asked and he nodded.

"I'm sure you'll be saying differently in a couple of years time." Liam said as he smiled fondly at us.

"Shut up Payne. Let me have my moment."

Hey guys!

So this was a prompt left by @fanfictrash4life. I hope you liked it and it's how you imagined it to be!

On the last chapter I never got as many comments as I usually do. The reason I like getting comments is because it lets me know that you guys are actually enjoying the book and want me to write more. Of course there are the people that comment on every chapter religiously (you know who you are) and I love you for that!

Only two more days until Christmas! I'm literally buzzing with excitement. Also I'm publishing the first chapter of the new book on the 26th.

Love you guys!

Comment! Vote!

Thank youuuuuuu



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