Chapter 16: Remembering (almost) everything

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Cursed Realm....

3rd person P.O.V

Clouse appeared back at the cursed realm to tell Chen some bad news. Some things haven't gone to plan...

"Ah, you're back!" Called Chen getting excited, "sooo, did you do the spell?"

"Master, I'm afraid things haven't gone to plan..." Started Clouse.

"What?! What do you mean 'things haven't gone to plan?!"

"Uh, well I kind of said the wrong spell and it made not only Kaitlyn, but also Skylor, remember a part of the past they weren't meant to,"

Chen was furious, "but Kaitlyn does now remember the plan, doesn't she?"

"Yes she does but the problem is that the two girls might work out that Jane-"

"Oh don't even mention her name. She was always so good that it disgusts me to even think about her now,"

Clouse sighed and suddenly didn't regret that he didn't say what he was about to. Chen would explode with anger. Litteraly.


The bounty...

Kaitlyn's P.O.V

"Well explain then!" I called getting impatient. 

"I will but for heavens sake please be quieter or you'll wake everyone up!" Sky whisper-shouted.

"Fine," I said. "Now why wasn't I meant to remember? Is that dream even a real thing from the past? It can't be Sky... My mom's... Not with us anymore,"

"That's what I'm trying to work out. But I have a really strong feeling that that was really the past. I can almost remember that it actually happened,"

I closed my eyes and thought about it. Sky's right. If I think about it then I get the feeling that it actually happened. But how? My mom wasn't even alive when I was four...

"I guess you're right in a way," I say, "but is there a logical explanation to how I couldn't remember that earlier? And to how I always thought that my mom died when I was born?"

Sky shrugged, "well there's only one and that's dark magic,"

"Oh my lord, are you serious?!" I asked, "does everything has to be the dark magic's fault these days?"

"Well if you don't think it's that then give me a different explanation,"

I started thinking but couldn't come up with anything and eventually admited that Sky might be right.

"A forgetting spell or something," she said.

"Right so lets just say that you're 100 percent right and it was a forgetting spell. Is my mom still alive then? What happened to her and was it necessery for me to forget all about her?" I asked curiously.

"These are all answers I'm not able to answer I'm afraid... only time will tell,"

I frowned. It sounded like something that a Sensei would say. But I couldn't wait. I needed the answers. Now.

"Right, lets just get back to sleep, I'm tired," said Sky and started heading back towards her matress. I just sat there like a statue, trying to go over everything that Skylor said. What if my mom actually is alive? But even if she is, why would someone want me to forget about her? Did she do something that she thought I would never be able to forgive her for? Or maybe she was forced to put the spell on me herself? I don't know...

As I lay there, unable to get to sleep, I started to remember something else... Something that hasn't got anything to do with my mom.
The Betrayal.
I silently swore to myself as I jumped out of bed. I've forgotten all about it. And I have... what? 2 or 3 days left? Ugh great. Just what I need: more things on my mind. The evil side of me wants to come up with a plan to get the ninja to the woods but the good side wants to find out more about my mom. Wait, I have a good side!? Ew. Seriously, what have those ninja done to me!? I seriously need to remind myself who I actually am. I am Kaitlyn Chen, the evil master of weather that will have all the power in the world and rule ninjago with her savage uncle: Master Chen. Yeah, sounds about right.
I put an evil grin on my face. I guess 'mom' can wait. It's time to make a plan on how I will make the ninja believe me and go to the woods on the day that I shall finally get what I wanted for 4 years. Power.

(Heyyy!! So I finally updated after nearly 5 months. Sorry about that... but you must understand that I really can't get on Wattpad these days as much as I used to so updating might take quite a while :/ again, I'm so sorry about that guys.) ~ ItzSkylor

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