chapter two: out of the cursed realm

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Kaitlyn's P.O.V

"Hmmm... You look just like a ninja, you will fit in perfectly!" said Master Chen as I walked out of the dark corner. Still holding the photograph tightly in my hand.
"Now shall we get on with it?"
"Get on with what?" I asked.
"The training! You have a long journey ahead of you... Being a ninja isnt easy you know," he answered and threw a big stone at me by surprise. I immediately cartwheeled to the side and dodged it.
"Not bad for your first try," he smiled evily and the training begun...   

Four years later....

Kai's P.O.V

I was lying down on my bed, looking at the ceiling and holding a picture of Skylor im my hands. It's been almost 5 years since I last saw her. I missed her a lot. Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in!" I shouted and Lloyd entered the room.
"Hey Kai, are you coming?" he asked.
"Coming where?" I said, still keeping my eyes on the picture.
"To play video games with me! Remember, you promised!" said Lloyd.
"eh, maybe later," I said barely listening to him. Then Lloyd came up to me and snatched the picture out of my hands.
"Hey, give it back!" I shouted but it was too late. Lloyd already looked at the picture.
"Dude, you should seriously stop thinking about Skylor and move on! It's been nearly five years, how do you know if she hasn't moved on?" he asked.
"Don't say that! I know she hasn't, I just know it and you know what? I'm going to go and visit her today,"  I said desperately and got up. Lloyd face palmed.
"But we're like, 100 miles away from ninjago city!" he called.
"I would fly 1000 if I had to. Don't you dare tell sensei where I'm going or he'll try to stop me," I warned him.
"Hey Kai, don't! You'll get into so much trouble!" shouted Lloyd trying to stop me.
I sighed
"If you had a girlfriend, you would understand," I said annoyed.
"Wait so you asked Skylor out and she said yes? That's why you called her your girlfriend?" Lloyd teased.
"I... Er... Ugh! Shut up Lloyd!" I shouted and pushed Lloyd out of the way.
"Why does he have to be so annoying!? I just hope he won't tell sensei or anyone else," I thought.

So, I went out of my room and checked if anybody was on the deck of the bounty. I was lucky noone was  so I quickly summoned my dragon and flew off at top speed twards ninjago city.

Skylor's P.O.V

I have so many coustomers at the noodle shop today its un believable... I'm glad it's closing time in an hour and I will finally be able to have a break.

After a couple of seconds I heard another coustomer come in and I noticed that there were no more waiters so I had to go and serve this person myself.

I grabbed my notebook and pen and walked over to the person not looking at them.
"Hello, my name is Skylor and I will be serving you..." I look up "t-today"

I saw a person in a red ninja gi and brown spiky hair. I couldn't believe my eyes... Was it really him? Was it really KAI?! After all those years...
"H-hey Skylor," he stuttered. I couldn't believe my eyes... He was actually here. Kai the red ninja and the master of fire actually came back to visit me... I couldn't hold my tears back anymore, but I wouldn't let them out. After a couple of minutes of staring into his deep, hazel eyes, I finally wrapped my arms around Kai's neck and hugged him. I felt him putting his arms around my waist and hugging me back.
"I missed you so much!" I cried not letting him go.
"I missed you too Sky," he answered.

A lot of minutes passed before we finally let go of each other.
"Take a seat, I'll come over in a minute. Do you want anything to drink or eat or something?" I asked still smiling.
"I'll only have a glass of juice please," he said also smiling and walked away to find a table for two. Amazingly, he found one and sat down.

I went into the kitchen, found a glass and poured some orange juice into it. Because today was a warm day, I put 2 little blocks of ice into it and a little umbrella for decoration.

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