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Octavia's POV:

Today's my first day at my new school, Canterlot High and I'm really nervous. My family keep trying to reassure me that I'll make new friends but I don't believe them...I already miss my best friend Minuette and I've only been gone for a week.
   I'm thinking this while sitting on my bed, pulling a brush through my silky brown hair, soon being interrupted by my mother,
  "Octavia!" She trills in her musical voice, "You're going to be late for school!"
  "Yes mother!" I call with a sigh, standing up and smoothing down my skirt with its pink musical note design before heading downstairs.
  "You look lovely, dear," my mother tells me, "Now run along to school. I'm sure you'll make some lovely new friends."
  "Hmmm," I'm still not convinced and am more interested in finding the music facilities than new friends, "Maybe. Goodbye!" I open the door, take a deep breath and step outside, ready to start at my new school.
   When I finally arrived I was greeted by the Principal who, after a long speech about how happy she was to have me joining, led me to where my first class took place. I thanked her and slowly pushed open the door, feeling more nervous than maybe I should.
  "Hello!" Called the teacher, "My name is Miss Cheerilee, you must be Octavia!"
   "Yes," I say smiling, "Where should I sit?"

Vinyl's POV:

As usual I have my headphones on, my electronic music at full volume and can't hear what Miss Cheerilee is saying to the new student. Of course I'll take them off when the lesson resumes but for now...I'll listen to music at every available opportunity and now is perfect, even though I'm not meant to in class. Today I seem a little distracted from my music and I can't help wondering if it's because of the new girl; she seems unnaturally pretty.
  "Vinyl!" I just about hear my name yelled above my blaring music and whip my headphones off, a sheepish grin on my face,
  "Octavia is going to sit next to you, alright?" Miss says with a sigh, "Make her feel welcome. Oh, and please take the sunglasses off." I don't. I never do. I don't know why she even bothers asking. The new girl Octavia comes and sits down next to me, a nervous smile plastered on her face,
  "Hello," she says, and I can't help but notice how beautiful her lilac eyes are, nothing like my bright red ones I always hide, "You're Vinyl aren't you?"
I nod; I never speak, I much prefer to communicate through music and I've always hated social interaction. Which means I should hate having to sit next to this Octavia girl but...I don't seem to.
  "She doesn't talk," Rainbowdash leans over from the table to Octavia's left and explains my silence,
  "Oh..." Says Octavia, looking a little confused, she looks pretty cute when she's confused - wait, what am I thinking? I try to stop my thoughts and instead write a small note in my scrawled handwriting and pass it to the brown haired girl beside me,
  "I prefer to communicate through music." She mouths, reading my note, "Really? That's wonderful!" She says, smiling widely, showing her perfect white teeth. I smile too and start to wonder what sort of music she likes...or plays...
   "Do you think you could show me where the music facilities are later?" She asks. I nod, smiling, happy I am going to be able to spend more time with her.
  "What sort of music do you like?" She asks me, not seeming fazed by my lack of speech, "I play classical." As an answer I pick up my headphones from their spot under the table and hand them to Octavia. When the teachers back is turned she slips them on, looking rather surprised, her eyes wide.
  "Oh!" She says, returning my headphones, "Electronic...maybe we could do a duet sometime?" A smile spreads across my face and I nod, despite our different music tastes, I'm sure we'd be able to play something together. That would be awesome.

Octavia's POV:

It's now the end of the day and I'm heading to the music department with my new friend Vinyl. She's a very strange girl who never speaks or takes of her headphones or sunglasses and communicates through music. We get on very well. She shows me into the main music room and I gasp, there's so many instruments!
   "This is amazing!" I say, running around to have a closer look at everything, "My old school didn't have anything like this!"
Vinyl smiles and then leads me into a small dark room. She makes a gesture to get me to stay where I am and goes off to the back of the room where I hear her fiddling with something electrical. Suddenly multicoloured light flares and
I see a huge turntable, flashing, with Vinyl standing behind it, grinning. She flips a record onto the turntable and plays me some of her music, the beat making the floor vibrate beneath my feet. Normally I hate this type of music but the way Vinyl plays it makes it sound....good. I stand there, the rainbow lights reflected in my eyes, a big smile on my face as I listen to the strange music my strange new friend plays.

Vinyls POV:

It's been 3 weeks since I first met Octavia but it feels like I've known her forever! I've never really had a best friend and I distance myself from most people but I get on so well with Octavia. Everyday after school we go down to the music room which is where we are now, currently practising a duet. You'd never expect classical and electronica to sound good together but me and Octavia seem to have managed it! We finish practising and she comes over and hugs me,
   "That sounded so good!" She said excitedly, letting go and staring into my eyes. Well...my sunglasses that is. Not for long though as she gently takes them off, putting them on the side of my turntable. She leans forward ever so slightly and kisses me. As shocked as I am I am also ridiculously happy and I kiss her back, her classical cello music I recorded playing softly in the background.

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