Chapter 7- Dinner Disaster

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It was only a few hours later that everyone had converged in the kitchen. Kelly and Zach had pulled out three leaves, so the small table had more than doubled in size. A large bowl of potato soup had become the centerpiece, with rolls as an accent on the side. Different styles of chairs had been pulled up around the edges, as Kelly had scoured the house for enough seats. "I don't want to just sit in the living room," she'd said. "This is Christmas Eve." She even let Piper outside. Mooney perched himself on the stairs, quietly watching.

As everyone sat down, she glanced at her father. "Dad, would you like to say Grace?"

Zach paused, then watched as Ronnie stiffly nodded, folding his large hands near his chest. Everyone else followed suit, and Zach bowed his head, keeping one eye open to watch.

"Lord," Ronnie started, his deep voice resounding in the quiet house, "we thank You for this day. Thank You for helping us travel here to be with our daughter, Kelly." She smiled softly. "Thank You, Lord, for letting Kelly's friends come here as well." While they remained silent, Zach saw Rylie squeeze Dune's hand. "Finally, Lord, we thank You for letting us remember those that aren't here with us. May we always keep them within our hearts. Amen."

"Amen," They all repeated, then everyone grabbed a roll while Kelly began to spoon out the soup. Well, almost everyone. Crystal sat back in her chair, her eyes on her lap. Kelly noticed. "Mom?"

She sniffed, then looked up, tears in her eyes. "I don't think I'm hungry anymore."

Zach saw Kelly's mouth harden, and she glared at her mother. "Mom, it's fine."

"Of course you think it's fine," Ronnie growled from his seat, hunched over his bowl of soup. "You have that delinquent here."

Zach had had enough. His spoon clattered on the table as he threw it down, standing up to make his point. "I'm not a delinquent," he said firmly. "I would greatly appreciate it if you stopped calling me that."

Ronnie sneered. "Oh, really? Then what are you?"

Zach turned up his nose. "I'm Kellys adopted son, who loves her very much. I could love you, too, if you would give me a chance."

"And why should I do that, you punk?" Ronnie stood now, too. "You've done nothing for me but been a problem this whole trip. First, Kelly surprised us by saying you were her's, then you were messing with the horse-"

"Dad." Kelly's stern voice had the two turning to her. She glared at Ronnie, then gave Zach a disapproving look. "Both of you, please sit down. It's Christmas Eve."

Immediately, Zach complied, pulling his chair in and starting on the soup without giving Ronnie another glance. Her father stayed in his spot for another moment before he, too, slowly lowered himself. Shooting another glare at Zach, he took a bite of soup.

Rylie and Dune, who had been quiet during the exchange, finished their soup. "I hate to leave so early in the evening," she admitted to Kelly, "But I think we need to start heading back home. If we don't leave now, it'll take forever."

Zach watched Kelly's face fall even more. "Really? You sure you don't wanna stay?"

"Honey, they said they want to leave, so let them leave." Her father muttered from behind his spoon. Zach frowned, but dropped it when Dune shared a look with him.

Kelly sighed. "Well, if that's how you feel, then I'll go grab your presents." They slipped away from the table, and in a few moments they were at the door.

Zach stood and walked out with them. "It was nice meeting you both," he said, shaking hands with Dune before Rylie wrapped him in a hug.

"It was nice to meet you, too, Zach," she said before turning to her friend. She gave her a sad smile. "Merry Christmas, Kelly. I'm sorry-"

Kelly waved the comment away before giving Rylie a warm hug. "I'm glad I got to see you both. Merry Christmas." She gave Dune a hug as well, then stood with Zach as they loaded the few packages Kelly had given them. "Drive safe," she added, "and let me know when you get home." It wasn't long before the pair was staring at their fading headlights.

As soon as they walked back in, Ronnie sighed and leaned back in his chair. "Well," he started, "glad you get to spend time with family." He shot Zach a pointed stare.

Zach felt the moment Kelly snapped. "Really, Dad? Is this necessary?" She stormed to him, her face a blotchy red. "What kind of vendetta do you have against me? Against Rylie? Against Zach?"

He glared back. "Christmastime is for family to share. Not to spend with friends who you can see otherwise." He gave another look at Zach. "Or for random kids to be over."

Crystal raised her head. "She acts as if Samantha never existed, Honey. Do you expect her to be any different."

Zach watched Kelly round on her mother, pointing her finger furiously. "That's another thing. You sit here and pine away about Sam, yet I'm her mother. Do you really think I don't miss her?" She never gave her mother a chance to respond as she faced them both. "After the funeral, you both took off without a word! I had no husband, and no daughter. They were my life, and when I lost them, you hardly batted an eye." Then she waved to Zach, meeting his gaze with tears in her eyes. "I get a second chance at family when I adopt Zach, and all you can do is either whine about your lost granddaughter, or bitch and complain about a great kid that you'll never give a chance to!" Kelly took a shaky breath, her parents both too flabbergasted to say anything. "How can you sit there and claim to be my parents, when you do nothing but treat me like I'm a foolish woman?"

Finished with her rant, Kelly stormed upstairs, tears streaming down her face. Her bedroom door slammed, and the house became eerily quiet. It was a long moment before Ronnie pointed at Zach. "You brought this on," he growled.

Zach was finished, too, and grabbed his coat. "Me?" He asked quietly. "What did I do? I'm not the one accusing her of doing nothing."

"You made her this way."

Zach waited until he was halfway out the door before turning back to glare at Ronnie. "How could I possibly do that? I'm nothing but a delinquent."  


Sorry this one is so long, guys! I just wanted to get in as much as possible.

Well, it's all been laid out there! What do you think will happen next? Where's Zach going? Could you pretty please vote for me?

Thanks, guys! Next update will be within 24 hours!

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