Chapter 1- Christmas Eve

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 Something about the feeling in the air had Zach waking up before dawn. He knew one reason why he was up; glancing at his calendar, he confirmed his thoughts. The hash marks crossing out the calendar led up to the 24th of December. Christmas Eve.

He smiled and lay back in his bed for a moment longer. This would be his first Christmas outside of the detention center in three years. Before that... his memory seemed so fuzzy when he thought about his parents now, after having spent the summer with Kelly. Of course, a couple of short clips, almost like bits of film reel, flashed through his mind. Helping his mom decorate the tree; his dad laughing at them as they baked cookies; his surprise and amazement at finding the cookies and milk gone on Christmas morning. Like many of his other friends, Zach had decided to stop believing in Santa when he was nine or ten. However, his mom had this fascination with holding onto the tradition, so he had acted gullible for her.

his daydreaming was interrupted by the sound of scrabbling claws on the stairs, then scraping as the animal scrambled around the corner at the top. He grinned as a Bernese Mountain Dog came sliding into the room, bounding onto the bed. Then his smile turned into a grimace as he yelped. "Good Gravy, Piper, you're freezing cold!" he pushed her away, only to have her frosty nose push back into his face.

"She was just outside with me," Kelly explained as she leaned against the doorway, a mug nestled in her hands. She was wrapped in a warm looking poncho, and a santa hat was tilted sideways on her blonde hair. "Better hurry downstairs, we need to eat breakfast and get everything taken care of before my parents show up."

Zach paused, looking sideways at Kelly as Piper rolled onto her belly for him to scratch. "Are you sure that they are going to be okay with me being here?"

Kelly shrugged, though he thought he saw a look of doubt flash across her face. "I don't see why not. Every one of my clients has come to trust you, why shouldn't my parents?"

He nodded, still not feeling one hundred percent certain. However, he shoved Piper off the bed, quickly swinging his legs out of the covers before she pinned him again with her weight. Kelly laughed as the phone rang, disappearing to answer it. Piper followed her, leaving Zach in peace to get dressed before heading down for breakfast.

Kelly had placed breakfast on the table, but she was in the living room on the phone. There was an envelope at Zach's setting, addressed to him from Mr. Hanks. He quickly opened it, pulling out a Christmas card of horses running through the snow. Smiling, he opened it to find a picture of Mr. Hank's daughter, Sarah, placing a Santa hat on Turner's head. Zach smiled, brushing his fingers over the image of the filly. He still missed the spunky grulla, and longed for the chance to see her again. But it was evident that she was more than spoiled from the picture, and for that he was happy.

As he tucked into the omelette on his plate, Kelly hung up the phone, sighing. "Great, there's something else to take care of," she muttered as she stalked back in, hanging up the land line before sitting down, viciously cutting into her own omelette.

Zach looked up, uneasy about her anger. "What is it?" He asked. "Or should I ask?"

"We just got a new job," Kelly growled. "Apparently, this grandfather bought a pony for his granddaughter for Christmas. He wants us to calm it and make sure it's sound. He's dropping it off today."

Zach cocked his head. "So...what's the problem? Can't we just wait until after Christmas to finish working with it?

"That's the catch," Kelly responded, glaring at the table before shifting her gaze to meet his. "He wants to pick up the pony tomorrow."

Zach froze. "What?! Does he expect us to take the whole holiday and work with his pony just so he doesn't look bad in front his granddaughter? That's ridiculous."

Kelly nodded. "I know. But he offered to pay triple to get it taken care of. Not only that, he said that we don't have to do much, just make sure that the pony is quiet on the ground; nothing with riding."

Zach thought a moment, then shrugged. "I mean, it is an extra chore to take care of today," he mused. "But that's great money. And all we have to do is lunge it, then." He met her gaze. "Why don't I handle it? That way you can spend more time with your parents."

Kelly's eyes widened. "Are you sure?"

He nodded as he polished off his breakfast. "Of course."

She smiled at him. "Alright." She speared the last edge of her omelette, then they both picked up their plates. "Come on," she spoke around her mouthful. "We better head to the barn to get a stall ready." 


Whee! Kelly and Zach are back for the Holidays! I plan to update every day on this one, so that the last chapter is posted on Christmas day. Keep your fingers crossed that this plan works out guys! Oh, and could you pretty please vote?? Thanks!! 

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