Chapter 24

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Deidara held her close the whole ride, making her content and warm. After so many days in such a cold environment, she was happy to be back with the ones she loved.

"Finally, Dana." They pulled into a shadowed alleyway, the walls were tall on each side.

"Shut it, kid." Sasori answered back, pulling up next to the wall. The door on her side was blocked, leaving them to get out on the other side. When out, Deidara grabbed her hand, pulling her lightly. She smiled at him, beaming even more when Sasori grabbed her other hand. She felt so small between them. Even though Sasori was one of the shorter ones in the group, yet he was still half a head taller than her. Deidara on the other hand towered over her.

The two pulled her along gently to a darker part of the alley, where a single door stood out.

Sasori shuffled around in his pockets, before pulling out a key.

"This is one of our storage places. Mostly our stuff is here, yeah." Deidara told her, smirking when she mouthed 'oh.'

They entered the place, Sasori turning on lights. All around the warehouse was paintings, sculptures, paints, plastics, random pieces of wood, and clay. In the middle of it all was a small lounging area with two large couches, a plush rug underneath. Blankets and pillows were scattered between the two couches, as if they slept here often.

It looked exactly like the two's art room at the house, except larger. Much larger. The art and tools were scattered about everywhere, their favorite art hung from the walls or placed in bright spots. All along the top were clean glass windows, where natural light filtered in. Long rows of florescent lights trailed all the way out of sight and beyond.

"This is our little getaway." She nodded, letting him lead her to the lounging area. He sat near the armrest, arms slung along the back. She settled next to him, his large arm wrapping around her. Sasori laid down, his head on her lap and legs hanging off the side.

He was always so sleepy. He liked to lounge around and nap like a cat. She gently ran her fingers through his hair, watching as he slowly lulled into a light sleep.

"He hardly slept since you got back, yeah." She looked over to Deidara, who was watching Sasori. His blue eyes were dark like a stormy sky, his lips a straight line. "Got caught up in his art, un. You know how he can get. When he is upset he will drown himself in art." No, she did not know that side of him. True, she always would find him immersed in art, but when she came around he would sulk towards her like a cat, sometimes he would nap or hang off her. When he wasn't doing art, he was sleeping. That was his main things, art and sleep.

She never seen him so immersed that he would not sleep, though.

Now looking at him, she could see the dark bags under his eyes were darker than before. In fact, they almost looked like bruises on his pale skin.

"Ah..." She mumbled, not sure how to respond. Was it purposely Deidara brought this up..?

A low curse under his breath made her realize it was unintentional. "Sorry, Hinata." He kissed her cheek, his lips lingering for a moment. When he pulled back, there was a small grin on his lips. "I forgot he got a lot better after you came, yeah. His PTSD didn't act up as bad." She blinked, nodding. PTSD..? Better..?

She kept playing with Sasori's soft hair, his head getting heavy. It meant he was fully asleep.

She wanted to know more about it. "I... See." But it would be inappropriate to ask about it, seeing as he was sleeping.

"You also helped me out, yeah." Once again, she raised her gaze to meet his eyes. The intensity of those blue deapths made her want to melt. The gentleness of his gaze was just too much. She tried to look away, but he gently cupped her cheek, keeping her face in place. Due to the angle, her hair fell out of her eyes, leaving her completely exposed to him. She bit her lower lip, trying to fight back the urge to pull away. After all, she loved him. She had no reason to hide... It was merely comfort to have her sight hampered by her hair.

"I used to only find beauty in art," She blushed hard as his face got closer, her heart thudding so hard against her ribs she was afraid Sasori would wake. Deidara was such a beautiful man. Without her eyes covered, she could see every single perfection that was Deidara. "Yet, I find beauty in you." He leaned forward, pressing his lips to hers.

It was her first kiss since she fixed the misunderstanding a little while ago. Still, it came as a surprise to her. His lips parted, as did hers. She remembered Madara's instructions. She moved her lips in time to his, holding her breath. Soon she needed air, so she pulled back. Deidara was red, the red slowly spreading to his ears. Oh goodness, she loved him. She gently leaned up, pressing her lips to his this time.

But this time, she took a hint out of Hidan's book, taking a slight nip at his bottom lip. Deidara gasped, his body going still.

"Hinata-" Deidara gasped, his hand sliding to knot in her hair. She let out a light moan, tingling shooting throughout her body at the huskiness of his deep voice.


Sasori shot up, Nocking Deidara's arm upwards with his forehead. The red head let out a sound of annoyance, quickly pressing his hands to his forehead. Deidara on the other hand shot up, pulling his shirt down in the front with one hand, the other pulling out his phone. She sat there, blinking. She was still warm from his kiss, and her face heated. Sasori grumbled, curling into her like a cat, his head resting on her breasts. His knees pressed awkwardly against the couch, but he still nuzzled into her. He was just like an overgrown cat. Deidara was facing the other way now, fumbling with his phone.

"What the fuck do you-!!" Deidara yelled, frustration clear in his tense shoulders. "Oh, Pein." Deidara instantly stilled, his tone going formal.

Sasori made another grumbling sound, making her giggle at his cuteness. "Oh, that must have hurt..." She held him tightly, despite how awkward it was due to him being much bigger than her.

"Yes... Kiss it better." She blushed hard, but still gently kissed the spot Deidara's elbow had connected with. "Now, kiss here better." He pointed to his chest, his grey eyes warm as they stared at her. Ah, her hair was still out of her face. She had forgotten it because of the intense kiss. "It was hurting while you were away." She blushed hard as Sasori's lips tilted into a small grin. Ah, he was teasing her.

But he deserved the kiss, all the same. She leaned down, kissing his chest above his heart.

"Ah-Shes with me. No, I mean Hinata is with us, un." She could hear an angry hum from the phone. "We found her running down the street." Both her and Sasori tuned into the conversation, but not before she noticed the red dusting his cheeks. "It was for a good reason, yeah." Deidara turned back to them, his eyebrows were scrunched in thought.

She couldn't go back there. She hated it, she hated everything about it. "I...can't go back." She clutched Sasori tighter, while he curled into her happily. He nuzzled into her neck, humming in content. Deidara on the other hand, could see her distress. Nodding, he straightened up.

"Yeah, it has to do with the Konaha gang," His eyes met hers, the blue depths softening. "We won't allow her to go back, yeah." He pressed a button on the phone, cutting of the angry hum. He walked over to them, resting his large hand on her head. "Don't worry, hun." He grinned at her, before meeting eyes with Sasori.

Unspoken words passed between the two.

After all, he just talked back to Pein.

The ruthless gang leader, whom is surely to punish them.

But, Hinata was their priority.


Zeelee-Vallen: I think we all know why Deidara was pulling down his shirt ;D Trying to hide something? I think so. Cute little Hinata! I hope to put some more depth into the gang, with actual danger and stuff. And pain from their pasts. Hope you liked! And yes, I am sure you can guess Deidara's ringtone.

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