Chapter Two:

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The Drunk Sheldon Incident

Disclaimer: I do not own T.B.B.T

A/N: Keep on with the support!

Chapter Two:

That happen two months ago when Amy asked Sheldon if he loved her. Amy was sad almost everyday and the gang notice that but never asked why.

Eventually, Penny had asked Amy as time went by for the past two months.

"Hey Amy, are you okay?" asked Penny.

Amy had been looking down the whole time as Penny and Bernadette had a conversation in her apartment.

Amy looked up and manage to fake a smile, "I'm fine."

"Are you sure? I've notice you look sad lately." said Penny.

"Really, I'm fine. I was just thinking of something else..." lied Amy.

Penny frowned a little and just let it go, she return to talking to Bernadette.

Amy looked down and thought again, "Was it worth being with Sheldon for the past two years?"

Amy never told Penny and Bernadette or anyone about herself having enough courage to ask Sheldon if he loved her. It just gave Amy pain in the heart even thinking about it.

Now Amy was standing next to Sheldon at the comic book trying to enjoy a small birthday party that Stuart had invited everyone he knew to go attend to. Sheldon was in a bad mood because he didn't want to go, but Leonard had force him to attend because it be rude to not attend a friend's birthday party.

Everyone had been having a good time except for Sheldon and Amy. Everyone was dancing and they weren't.

Amy had been looking at the sweet couple dancing happily with their boyfriends or girlfriends, just seeing the romantic moment brought her down and at the same time made her feel awkward because Sheldon and her weren't dancing.

Sheldon was looking at everyone dance too and made a face when he took a sip from his fruit-punch.

"Stuart knows I don't like parties, so why would he invite me?" said Sheldon complaining for the millionth time that night.

Amy rolled her eyes and trying to enjoy the party but when she looked at Sheldon and then at the crowd, "Sheldon, would you like to dance with me?" asked Amy.

Sheldon rolled his eyes and looked at Amy, "Amy, you know very well I don't like parties and yet your asking me to if I want to dance?"

"I guess it would lighten your mood to dance with your girlfriend, come on just this dance?" asked Amy.

"How will this supposedly lighten my mood, why would I want to dance with you? How you would lighten my mood is by leaving me alone." said Sheldon out of the blue and sarcastically.

Amy was quiet and felt like her world crumbled down.

Wow that hurt.

That was it, Amy couldn't take it. Amy was sick of this, sick of trying to make Sheldon happy.

"You know what, Sheldon? I can't believe I wasted two years of my life on you, wishing you could love me back, but will you? I don't see what's the point of loving you and trying to make you happy if you don't even notice that. All you ever care about is yourself, it's over between us..." said Amy throwing her fruit-punch at Sheldon's shirt and walking away.

Amy left the party with tears in her eyes and Penny notice Amy leaving.

Sheldon didn't care that his shirt was mess up, he was in shocked when Amy said that.

All you ever care about is yourself, it's over between us.

Penny looked into Leonard's eyes and said, "Can you hold on a second. I need to talk to someone quick."

Leonard nodded and let Penny leave out the doors of the comic book store. When Penny was outside, she saw Amy's car violently drove off like nothing.

"Oh my gosh..." thought Penny.

Penny turned on her heels and walked back inside the comic book store. When Penny walked to where Sheldon was standing by the table, she noticed Sheldon's shirt was soaking wet with fruit-punch and he just stare blankly like he just saw a ghost.

"What did you do, Sheldon?" said Penny with her hands on her hips.

Sheldon was quiet for a moment, he tried taking all this new feeling he was feeling. But the feeling was strong and painful. Sheldon finally said quietly...

"...She broke up with me..." said Sheldon.

A/N: Sorry this chapter was short. Hope you enjoyed it either way. :)

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