Chapter 33 Just a dream

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-Mia's P.o.v-
I woke up wait what happen "Jazzy your awake"said Some guy "where am I"I asked "in the hospital Love"said the guy "who are you"I asked "I'm your brother zack"said the guy "Wait no this isn't real"I said

"Yes it is you got
in a car crash and you when into a coma sis"said zack "how that happen"I asked "you and your friend were driving home from school and a big truck hit you no one died but you she into a coma"said zack "No what happen to Johnny Charlie Matt Dylan jorel and Danny"I said

"Who are those people"asked zack "there in a band called Hollywood undead zack"I said "you were in a coma so you dreamed them up"said zack I hugged him "can we go home"I said

"Yes get dressed"said zack and I got up and I walked to the bathroom that wasn't a fucking dream I'm going crazy I walked into the bathroom and I changed

Then I heard someone in my head "get out of there Mia come back with us this is were you belongs not with them there fake were real now come back"said a voice "Go away"I said and I walked out of the bathroom

Zack had my stuff and we walked out to his bmw I got in the passenger seat and he drove off we got back to the house "Hun your awake"said a lady

She hugged me I hugged back "Were am
I"I asked "at home I'm your mom Mary"said the lady "oh hi who that guy"i asked "what guy sweetie"asked mom "that guy right there he kinda looks like Johnny"I said

"No ones there"said mom "I'm going crazy can I have food"I asked "yes dinner is done let's eat"said mom and we three sat down "questions"I said "ask away"said mom

"What's My name"I asked "Izzy James"said mom "But why'd zack call me jazzy"I asked "I always call you that sis"said zack and he ate some food so did I

"How'd I get in the crash"I asked "you were bring some friends here to have a girls day and some dumb ass hit you"said mom "okay how long was i in the coma"I asked

"5 months"said zack "Okay that's all I wanted to know wait do I still go to school and have you guys heard of Hollywood undead"I asked "you still go to school and yes but they broke up 4 years ago"said mom "okay can I go to
My room"I asked "yes goodnight"said mom

I walked up to it room I legend on my bed I got a text it was from some girl named Katy

K-Katy I-Izzy
K-your awake I'm coming over right now
I-Who are you
K-I'm Katy von Monroe I'm your best friend
I-Okay sorry i don't remember you but yea come over
K-okay bye

That voice came back "Don't listen to them Mia they bad people come back with us"said the voice and I covered up my head

(Skip to when Katy comes over) mom opened the door "Katy its so good to see you she upstairs"said mom and Katy walked up stairs she knocked on my door

"Come in"I said and Katy walked in "its good to see you awake and talking"said katy and she hugged me I hugged back and we talked all day Katy stayed the night.

A/H I'm done I think this is a pretty cool story this is my first Story and I love it take me what you think do you love or hate it bye

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2016 ⏰

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