Chapter 29 Deuce

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(Skip go back home the next day)
-Mia's P.o.v-
I got up and I put on some Danny's basketball ball shorts and a tank top and I walked downstairs "Guys were are you"I said

"outside"said jorel they were in the pool "Whay time is it"I asked "2"said Danny "okay I got time to go get my gun and taser ready"I said and I walked inside

Up to my room witch me and Danny now share when I'm over here,Danny followed me "Babe stop"said Danny "What"I asked "You okay"asked Danny "yes I'm fine"I said "no your not what's wrong"said Danny

"I don't what to do this alone Danny"I said "Your not doing this alone you got us were right behind you the hole time"said Danny "Yea i know that but I what someone to go in with me what if Deuce hurts one of us and you guys can't get to us in time"I said

He pushed me against the wall and he put his body to Mine so I had to look up at him cause his 5'7 and I'm 5'0, "You what me to go in which my queen and princess's"said Danny

"Yes Danny I do please"I said "Okay you just had to ask my queen"said Danny "I was scared to Danny I'm scared to do anything now"I said "Why are you scared you got me and the guys"said Danny "Cause of Aron his everywhere in my head my dreams nightmares every time we go out or every to the back yard"I said

"He can't hurt you my queen he has to go though me and the guys and believe me it's gonna be a hell of a time trying to get though Johnny"said Danny he started rubbing my arms and shoulder

"I know Danny I'm just scared that's he's gonna hurt my baby's"I said starting to cry a little "Its okay hey let's go find you a outfit you try them on and I say yes or no"said Danny

"Okay lets go"I said and Danny picked me up over his shoulder and walked downstairs "DANNY DONT YOU FUCKING DARE"I yelled and he throwed me in the water "DANIEL FUCKING ROSE MURILLO YOUR FUCKING DEAD"I yelled and Danny started running

I ran after him "DANNY"I yelled and he hind in a closet "I know your in there that fucking water is cool you prick"I said and I opened the door Danny jumped out and scared me I fell on the floor holding my chest

"Fucking hell danny you scared me"I said "That's what I wanted to do bunny"said Danny "you got me wet with cold ass water and guess what Danny"I said "What"he said and I got up and walked outside he followed Johnny gave me a water gun

I got Danny wet Johnny started recording us "BABE STOP ITS COLD OKAY OKAY IM SORRY STOP"yelled Danny and Janis got up and she got in front of Danny "Stop mama your hurting daddy"said Janis I got her wet "AHH"yelled Janis she was laughing then he got Scarlett she started yelling aka laughing and I got her wet

"MIA STOP ITS SO COLD"yelled Danny I stopped and Danny gave Vanessa Scarlett "can you watch her I gotta get revenge back on my girl"said Danny and I ran "Oh shit Danny don't you throw me in that pool again"I said backing up "You what I'm gonna"said Danny

And he started ticking my sides I started laughing and I fell on the ground "Stop Danny"I said in between laughs but he didn't stop "Danny stop it I'm gonna die"I said and Janis got in the middle of us

"DADDY YOUR KILLING MAMA"yelled Janis and she pushed Danny in to the water he got out a few seconds later "Jan that wasn't nice he's was only playing"I said "no he was hurting you"said Janis

"I wasn't hurt Mia I would never hurt her I was tickling her you know like this"said Danny and he started tickling Janis she fell on me laughing

"Pizza anyone"asked Johnny "yes Were staving"we all say "and we all walked in the house me Janis and Danny changed they guys already changed

I changed into some white skinny jeans with blood on them and and a Hollywood undead top and my white converse I got my purse and my black beanie and we all walked out

"Can we walk for once"I asked "sure"said Johnny "let me go get Scarlett's stroller"said Danny and he walked back in the house and he got Scarlett stroller I was holding her he came back out

I put Scarlett's car seat in then her and I started pushing her then Janis got in the basket on the bottom and and I started pushing

(skip to the pizza place)We walked in me the kids and the girls sat down and the guys order they came and sat dow on the the three tables we waited for are pizza Scarlett was setting at the end in her stroller

"How does it feel dating the girl you been madly in love with since you guys meant"asked Charlotte she was smiling "Amazing thanks again Johnny letting me date your sister now my life's complete"said Danny

"Here's your 3 large pizzas"said a woman "Thank you"said danny and she sat the pizzas down at the three tables we started eating I gave scarlettt some she loved it

"your welcome but remember you break her heart I break every bone in your body"said Johnny (Skip back home)I got dressed in my outfit (outfit above)

I walked out and Janis and Scarlett were ready I got my bag that had a taser gun in it I had the gun under my long shirt and the knife was in my bag and the hand thing was on my hand and we walked out the guys followed me

(skip to the place Aron wanted to meet)Me the girls and Danny walked in Danny was holding the girls he had a gun too "Aron me and the girls are here oh I bought some protection"I said

Aron and his I guess band mates walked over to us the place wasn't they lighted but it was lighted enough so I could see there faces "make the pussy leave"said Aron "no you say I could bring anyone I what and I choose my boyfriend now what do you what"I said "I what nothing just to make your life a living hell"said Aron

Then one of his "friends" pushed me I fell and they when after Danny and Janis and Scarlett she was throw some guy got her "Here Matt"said Johnny "GET OFF OF HIM YOU DICK BAG YOU FUCKING HURT HIM I'll HURT YOU MORE"i yelled jumping in Aron's back

He pushed me off and he put his hands around Danny's neck I got up and I jumped on his back and put my hands around his neck and he fell "Get off me bitch I don't what you i want this pussy"said Aron I held him down the guys beat up Aron's friend's

Then they all ran away "That's right bitch Hollywood undead ait nothing to fuck with"said Dylan I helped Danny up we kissed and all of us walked away.

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