Chapter 22 Getting ready for tour

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(The next Month)
-Mia's P.o.v- I woke up around 4 in the morning I got up and I got my clothes witch is a white top and white skinny jeans with what looks like blood I walked to the bathroom and I locked the door

I started the water making it warm and I got undressed and I got in I washed my hair body and I shaved my legs and under arms then I just stayed under the water my back had been hurting me all week the warm water makes it feel good then someone knocked

"Who is it"I said "Mia what are you doing up"asked Johnny "Taking a shower duh"I said "but it's 4 in the fucking morning"said Johnny "Yea ands mat I remind you I have a daughter to get ready that doesn't like getting ready"I said "Okay then you what me to get her up"asked Johnny

"Yes she can watch cartoons"I said "okay I'll get Danny to get her up"said Johnny and he walked away I got dressed and I put my hair up in pig tail buns and I put on eyeliner mascara and dark red eyeshadow then I walked out and Danny was holding a crying Scarlett and

Ava and Janis's "Hi here let me see Scarlett"I said and I walked into my room Danny and the girls walked downstairs I put on every Rose has it's thorn by poison and I put Scarlett in her crib and she stopped crying and she fell asleep

I walked out to the living room "Mama why are we up"asked Janis "Were going to get you two ready for the tour then go out to breakfast"I said "Adams up"said Danny he was drink coffees "do you what some"asked Danny "Yes please"I said and Danny gave me a cup and he put coffee in it

"Thank you you can go back to bed"I said "No I what to help Adam and Ava are hard to get ready"said Danny "thanks can you get Adam ready"I asked "Sure"said Danny and he sat down his cup and hugged me "Thank you"I said "your welcome beautiful"said Danny then we let go

I started blushing damn Daniel and he got Adam and they walked to his room "Who's first"I said "me"said Janis "no me"said Ava "Me mama pick me"said Janis "Me you always go first"said Ava "no I don't you do"said Janis "Noo Mia she lying I what to go first"said Ava "no I'm not don't turn my mama on me"said Janis and she pushed Ava

"Girls stop damn Janis go set in the kitchen your in time out"I said "But mama she always first"said Janis "Yea with Johnny not me now go set"I said "Fine"said Janis and she stomp "Janis stop your gonna wake up Scarlett"i said

"I don't care your mean to me so I wake up baby you care more about then me"said Janis "oh god Janis don't start this"I said picking up Ava and Janis when and sat down I walked upstairs to the bathroom "get undressed I'm gonna get your clothes"I said "okay"said Ava and I closed the door I when into her room

I got Ava a black and pink dress and some dark purple leggings then I knocked on the bathroom door she was playing in the water "Dude the floors all wet AHH"I said I fell "Aunt Mia you okay"asked Ava "Yes get clean let me wash your hair"I said and I put Ava under the water I washed her hair Danny knocked "Mia is Janis in time out"said Danny

"Yes why is she up"I asked drying off Ava "yea is it clear for me to come in "hang on"I said then Ava looked at my head "AHH AUNT MIA YOUZZ BLEEDING"yelled Ava I got her leggings on and her dressed "How are you bleeding"asked Danny knocking on the door "I fell duh"I said and I unlocked the door

"Ava take Adam downstairs"said Danny,Danny put me on the sink "dude I'm fine let me go"I said "no babe your bleeding"said Danny "did you call me babe"I asked "Yea sorry"said Danny "No I like it"I said "Okay hold still this will hurt and I'm sorry I don't mean to hurt you"said Danny and he put alcohol on my head

"Ouch you son of a bitch"I said "okay dean Winchester"said Danny "really just cause I say son of a bitch"I said "yes cause I love that show"said Danny "Weirdo"I said "Yup there all done"said Danny "What did you do"I asked "Cleaned it up"said Danny "oh"I said "I'll go get Janis"said Danny

"Okay I'll get her clothes"I said and we walked are own ways I got Janis a tank top that says Danny Murillo is my hero and some black skinny jeans great my pants and Shirt is all wet,I walked back to the bathroom

Janis's was playing with her toys in the water "hi mama"said Janis "Hi let wash your hair"I said and I got on the ground and I washed her hair she washed her body and then she got out and I dryed her off and she got dressed

I got a brush and hair things and me and Janis's walked downstairs "can you do the girls hair"I asked "sure gotta change"asked Danny "yes shut up"I said smiling "go change so we can eat"said Danny smiling damn his smile will be the end of me,

I walked to my room and I slowly opened the door Scarlett was still sleeping music was playing I got (out fit above)and I changed then I put on my socks and shoes then I got my bag and I picked up Scarlett and I slowly walked downstairs "Shh guys"I said and Adam Ava and Janis sat down I put Scarlett in her car seat "What car we taking"I said holding Scarlett's car seat and Janis's hand "Yours"said Danny

"Okay can you get the cars seat from your truck then"i asked "yea sure"said Danny and he when and got his car seat's he put them in my jeep and we bucked the kids in lucky I had a back back seat were I put Ava and Janis's "Why am I back here"asked Janis "cause the younger ones gotta ride up here"said Danny "no I what to ride up there"said Janis "I do to put the younger ones back here there smaller"said Ava

"Just be quiet"I said and we shut the door "you drive or me"said Danny "You can"I said rubbing my head he walked over to me "headache"said Danny "yes I'm sorry to say this but Janis and Ava are annoying me and it don't help that I had a headache all fucking day"I said then Danny kissed the top of my head

"Let's eat them we can get you a Advil okay"said Danny "okay thanks"I said and we hugged and Danny got the drive side I got in the passenger side and we bucked in "Ready guys"asked Danny "ready"the girls sayed and he backed up.

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