Chapter 16 Going to Get Addison

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-Mia's P.o.v-
I got up cause my phone when off it was the next morning around 7 in the morning I answer my phone.
M-Mia C-Cps
C-Hello is this Mia rose Regan?
M-Yes it is what's up
C-Your daughter is sick you can come get her she only got the flu were giving her soup to go with here
M-Thank you I'm coming to get her right now bye

C-I'll have her all ready to go when you get her a cps worker will go with you to see the house then you can take her but your going to have to sine some paper
M-Okay thank you
C-Your welcome goodbye
(end of the call with Cps)

I got up and I got my clothes and I when and got a shower then I changed into my outfit for today (Outfit above) I sat on the bed and I got my socks and shoes on then I got my purse and the rest of the stuff in the room

I walked out I unlocked the door and I put the stuff in the back and I got in and started the jeep and I bucked in then I drove off. (skip to Cps)

I parked and I walked in "Hello I'm here for addison James wood"I said "Are you Miss.Mia rose Regan"asked a man "Yes I'm adopting addison"I said

"Okay follow me we have her in the nurse office cause we don't what to get the other kids sick"said the man

"I understand that"i said "Okay right down the hall to the left the first door on the left"said the man "Thank you"I said and I walked down the hall to the door I knocked

"Come in"said a lady she smiled "Im here for Addison James"I said "She right this way"said the lady smiling "Thank you"I said

I followed the lady she showed me addisons room I walked in "Mama your here"said Addison she coughed really bad "Were going to the dr"I said "What's a dr"asked Addison

"Your old mother never took you to the dr"asked the lady "No but my new mama will"said Addison "Okay your new mama will be right back she gotta go show someone the house"said the nurse

"Can I come"asked Addison "no sweetie you have to stay here"said the nurse "Okay see you soon mama"said Addison "yes I'll be back lovely I love you"I said and I hugged Addison the the nurse walked me too the room were I can find the worker

"In here you ask Miss Smith she had blonde hair"said the nurse "Miss Smith no way"I said "is she your old cps worker"asked the nurse

"Yes she is"I said "that's cool have a nice day"said the nurse and she walked back I walked in "Um can I see miss.Smith"I said "And who are you"asked the man "I'm Mia rose Regan"I said "Where's your brother"he asked

"I don't talk to his anymore"I said "Okay she the second door down"he said "Thank you"I said and I walked to the door I knocked "Hang on"she said then I waited (3 mins later)

a couple walked out they were crying "That bitch don't worry we'll get Caddie back"said the man "come in"said Miss Smith and I walked in "Mia is that you"asked miss Smith

"Yes hi um I was told I have to show you mine new house so I could get Addison"I said "And who's Addison"asked Miss Smith "She my adopted daughter I saved her from her abusing mom"I said "Okay lets go"said miss Smith

and she got up and I followed her to her car "I'll follow you"said miss Smith "okay"I said and I ran over to my jeep I got in and I started the jeep and I backed out Miss Smith followed me I drove to the house

(Skip to the house) I pulled into the drive way Miss Smith pulled up behind me we got out and we walked up to the door I unlocked it "Wow this is nice were's all couch tables kitchen stuff and bed room stuff"asked miss Smith

"I ordered them yesterday and they should show up today"I said "okay show me the back yard"said miss Smith and we walked to the back I opened the glass doors

"your going to be out here everyday with Addison right"asked miss Smith "Yes"I said "Okay that's good show me the park"said miss Smith "Okay it's walking distance"I said "Okay lets go"said Miss Smith

I shuted the door and we walked to the front I locked the door and me and Miss Smith walked to the park "How offered are you going to bring Addison here"asked miss smith "Everyday"i said

"Okay that's good let's go back to the office and talk"said miss smith and we walked back to the cars she got in hers i got in my and I followed her (skip to the office)

we walked in to her office I sat down she sat behind her desk "Okay do you have a job"asked Miss Smith "yes it paids $1000 ever week"I said "and you can paid everything and get food for you and Addison"asked Miss Smith "yes it can"I said

"Okay that's all I need to know wait here and I'll get your daughter but first you have to sine this"said miss.smith I Sined and she when and got Addison (2 mins later)

she came back and Addison hugged me I got down on my knees and hugged her "Here's all her paper work have a nice day"said miss smith and me and Addison walked out I picked her up "I'm happy I'm back that place was bad"said Addison she hugged me neck

"I'm happy your back too and your my daughter"I said and I putted her in my jeep and I bucked her in she started playing with the toys and I got in and started the jeep I backed up and drove off to are new house.

Your Mine And Only Mine (A Danny Murillo Love Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें