Chapter 4 Dannys What

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~Mia's P.o.v~ "Mia wake up"said Dylan shaking me "Dude I'm up god"I said "you get to go home"said Dylan and he gave me some clothes (Outfit above) "Dylan"I asked "What"said Dylan "Who's pants are these"I asked

"Jorel's why"asked Dylan "There to big"I said "Hang on"said Dylan and he walked away I smiled and put on my shirt then a few seconds later Jorel walked in "Hey here's a belt"said Jorel he smiled and gave me a black belt "Thanks how's Danny"I asked

"Fine what to go see him"asked jorel "yes"I said and I put the belt on and my shoes then I got my bag and I walked out "Wait your beanie"said jorel he smiled I got my beanie then me and jorel walked to Daniel's room "Hey Mia"said Daniel

"Hi"I said "How are you feelin"asked Daniel "Fine how are you feelin"I asked "Good great"said Daniel but he looked like he was in pain "Are you sure"I asked "Yes fine can we leave"asked Danny "No sir um can everyone leave"asked a nurse "Why what's going on"I asked "Daniel you have some internal Bleeding in your brain so they have sat up surgery for you you'll go back in a few"said the nurse "

"What why didn't you tale me until now"asked Daniel "Cause sir we just found out"Said the nurse "Okay how long will I have to stay here after the surgery"asked Daniel "2 days sir we called your mom and dad there coming,Are any of you brothers sister or girlfriend or Evan boyfriend to Mr.Murillo" asked the nurse "no but were his friends"Said Jorel

"Okay your going to have to wait in the waiting room you can see him tomorrow morning"said a nurse "Okay come on Mia"said dylan "O-o-okay"I said I started crying and I walked out with the guys some nurse's pushed Daniel out "Are you Mia"asked a woman "Yes who are you"I asked "I'm Margo daniel's Mother how are you"asked Margo "Im fine,I'm sorry about your son I should of never asked if he can meet me at the park,I should just leave him alone"I said

"This isn't your fault if Daniel didn't come you could of been dead and I don't think any of your friends or Daniel would of liked that"said Margo and she hugged me "Where's you mom and dad"asked Margo "There not coming I don't talk to them"I said "oh I understand how long is Daniel going to be in surgery"asked Margo "We don't know Miss.Murillo"said Johnny "Oh please call me Margo"said Margo "Okay we don't know Margo"said Johnny "Anyone hungry"asked Matt "l

"Me I'm staving"said Rigo"what to go eat"asked Matt "Yes"said Rigo "You must be daniel's Brother right"asked Charlie "Yup is my brother okay"asked Rigo "Yea his fine let's go eat"said Dylan and we all walked out "What to ride with us Mia"Asked Margo "Sure if you what me too"I said "Sure you can"said Rigo and I got in the back Margo and Rigo got in the front she followed Charlie

(Skip to Burger King) We parked then we got out and I walked over to Johnny and he put his arm around me "I'm not that hungry"I said "Why aren't you hungry"asked Johnny "Cause I'm not"I said "Okay"said Johnny and we walked in I sat down next to Johnny and the guys and Margo ordered "Are you going to eat". asked Charlie

"No I'm not Hurgry"I said "Okay Johnny you gonna eat"asked Charlie "Yea Dylan's getting Mine"said Johnny and the guys Margo and Rigo walked over to us Margo Rigo and sat with in the set Johnny Matt and Dylan and Jorel sat across from us "So how did even happen"asked jorel "We were walking home from the park cause I asked Danny to meet me at the park cause we were going to surprise you guys but on are way some guys stoped us and Mr.Bones started barking the dudes punched Danny witch knocked him out and um..."

I stopped "And what Mia"said Johnny "They raped me Johnny"I said "WHAT"yelled Johnny "They raped me fuck"I said and I got up "Can I get out guys"I asked and they let me out I walked out of Burger King I started walking to the hospital Johnny followed me I walked in "Hey um is Daniel Rose Murillo out of surgery yet I'm his friend"I asked "No not yet but you can set in the waiting room or his room"Said the girl

"I like to set in his room"I said "Okay his room is 305 Would you like me to show you"She asked "yes please"I said and the girl showed me Daniels room "Thank you do you know how long the surgery will be"I asked "no sorry they probably move you up to the recovery room"She said "Thank you miss"I said and she walked out I sat in a chair then Johnny texted me. J-Johnny M-Mia
J-Where are you we have to talk
M-In Daniels room I don't what to talk.

Your Mine And Only Mine (A Danny Murillo Love Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें