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(The next month)
-Mia's P.o.v-
"finally tours over"said Dylan "What you don't like touring"I said and I sat down next to Danny he got my hand

"I love touring but damn for 6 months"said Dylan "oh come on man you been on tour for a year before"said Johnny

Sam sat on johnnys lab "But without kids"said Dylan we all sat down and watched tv until my phone when off.

D-Deuce M-Mia
M-Hello this is Mia
D-What's up man how does it feel daring. Pussy
M-What do you mean Aron how do you know?
D-I been watching Mia I been watching and I ran into your ex boyfriend

M-Your a creep Aron and fuck off you Evan think of touching any of us I will hurt you so stay away
D-I'm not afraid of you Mia I'm not afraid of any of you pussy I got friend's that get there way

M-What do you mean you got friends that get there way
D-You meet me at 205 west worth street tomorrow night at 10:00pm and I won't hurt your little pussy of a boyfriend
M-What ever Deuce you don't know where we live that's right we moved so have fun finding us
D-I'll find you my love don't worry and when I do your pretty boyfriend isn't gonna be pretty anymore and your not gonna have a daughter
D-That's what I what is you to meet me at the address I already told you about

M-find tomorrow night at 10 see you there
D-Good oh and bring that pretty daughter of your and your pussy of a boyfriend I what them to see what me and my friends are gonna do to you
M-Find goodbye

(End of the call with Aron) "Whah happen who was that sis"asked Johnny "Aron"I said with teeth bearing "What the dick what"asked Danny "He what me to meet him at a address tomorrow night and he what me to bring you Janis and Scarlett

"why how'd he get your number"asked Johnny "I don't know and he sayed his been watching us"I said and a rock was throw at are bus I looked out and a truck like Aron's drove by us

"Yup his been watching us fuck"I said "here's the plan mia you take Janis and Scarlett to meet Deuce then me and the guys will be behind you with guns and shit and you'll have a gun"said Charlie

"Okay Kevin when are we gettting home"I asked "tomorrow around 3"said Kevin "Okay good that gives us time to get ready"I said and I hugged Danny's side "You sure you what to do this"said Danny

"I have to he threatened you and my daughter's"I said "We can forget him"said Danny he hugged me with one hand "I can't Danny I'm sorry I have to meet him or it's gonna be burning in my head forever"I said

"then lets do this"said Danny and he smiled at me "Okay"I said and we watched tv it was family guy (Skip to a rest area) Kevin parked the bus and we all got out I got Janis's hand and Danny got Scarlett and we all walked over to the restaurant we walked in

"Hi what can I get you"said a man "like 20 cheese burgers 20 chicken legs and 20 chicken sandwiches and 3 bottles of soda"said Johnny the man smiled at us "okay that comes up to $40.39 please"said the man and Johnny paid "Why so much"I asked

"Were not gonna be stopping for a few so we have to get a lot of food"said Johnny "what's soda's"said the man "coke mont dew and fanta"said Johnny the kids were playing "oh sorry sir"said Janis "Run Janis"said Ava "Its okay hey you what to see the toys I have in my truck

"Um no thank you"said Janis I turned around "Deuce what the fuck man trying to kidnapp my child"I said and I picked up Janis I gave Ava to Johnny "Aaron get out leave us alone"said Sam she got I front of Johnny

"Go to daddy janis"I said and Janis ran to Danny "here's your food sir"said the man and Johnny got the bags and we all walked out I stayed behind Danny and I kept tuning around "Babe it's okay"said Danny "no it's not his following us"I said hugging Danny's back

"GUYS LUNCH"yelled Johnny and all of the guys and girls came running we all sat down in the grass we'll not Vanessa she sat at a table with jorel we started eating I ran and got cups from the bus if I ran into Deuce "leave us alone Aron fuck"I said

"No you guys kicked me out now your gonna pay"said Deuce and he got out a knife and cut my already scared wrist "OUCH"I yelled and Aron ran off Danny came running "What happen baby"said Danny and we walked on the bus and he sat me down

I was losing a lot of blood "This is gonna hurt"said Danny and he put alcohol over my arms then he rabed them up and Danny cleaned up the blood on the couch with a towel and water I helped him

Then we walked out to the guys "What happen"asked Carrie "she got cut by Deuce he ran off but hey we got the cups"said Danny "what does he what"asked Dylan "revenue on all of us cause we kicked him out"I said and me and Danny sat down

Janis and Scarlett started playing with my wrist "Are we good is everyone full"asked Johnny "Yes"we all sayed and we walked back to the bus Kevin was sleeping "WAKE UP"yelled Matt and Kevin jumped

"Sorry was sleeping"said Kevin and he started the bus and he left.

Your Mine And Only Mine (A Danny Murillo Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora