Chapter 42: Nights and Talks...

Start from the beginning

B: That's a good idea.

Es: Yes. Anthony has many things that he doesn't use anymore and they have no use just lying around there.

B: And I'm pretty sure that if you and Jake have more children that this family won't hesitate in buying more things for that baby.

E: So it won't be a problem?

C: What won't be a problem? (He asked as he came into the house)

Es: Hi dear.

C: Hi. (He went over and gave Esme a kiss)

B: Things hectic at work?

C: Everything quieted down after the accident rush passed but I had a few patients to check up on so I had to stay but now I'm off for the next three days. I made sure to get Sunday off. (He smiled looking at Edward)

E: Thank you. Jacob and I were thinking about taking Anthony to Forks tomorrow and then we also thought about taken all his unused clothes to one of the children's homes in Forks.

C: That's a good idea. Good job boys.

E: Thank you, Carlisle.

C: No problem.

E: Billy, are the guys coming home or are they staying at the Reservation tonight?

B: They'll be home in a little while.

E: Oh okay. I was just asking.

They continued their casual conversation until the heard cars pull up at the garage and people laughing. After a while all the wolves and Emmett and Jasper came in each carrying shopping bags.

Es: I didn't know you all went shopping. (She laughed)

Em: We met up with Alice and Jasper at the mall and Rosalie decided that she just had to buy herself new things.

P: And now we have to carry their bags.

R: We didn't only buy things for ourselves. We aren't that self-centred.

C: So what you mean is that you bought things for Anthony too?

R: Yes but we also bought things for everyone.

A: Yes. We thought everyone deserved a little something.

E: Oh really?

A: Yes.

E: Okay.

R: So guys put everything down there in the kitchen and we'll give you yours.

Alice went over to the bags and started handing them out.

A: Okay, this one is for Esme', this is for Carlisle, Billy. (She says giving them their bags)

B: Thank you, dear but you didn't have to.

A: We know but we wanted too.

R: So everyone better say thanks and accept it.

Es: Okay.

A: Okay, these are for Edward, Jacob and Anthony. (She says pushing four bags towards Edward)

E: I'm guessing two of these are for Anthony?

R: Yes. I had to shop extra for my godchild. (She smiled)

E: Well thank you. I'm sure Jacob and Anthony will really appreciate it. I'll give it to them in the morning.

A: These ones are for Seth, Paul and Sam.

They all took theirs and said thank you. Seth gave them both hugs.

A: Thank you Seth. Okay these ones are for my special helpers Embry, Quil and Jared.

They all took their bags and also said thank you.

A: And these ones are for our poor Husbands who had to carry around all our things today.

R: We love you both. (She said as she gave Jasper and Emmett their bags)

Em: We love you too.

A: And the rest is ours.

E: Funny how the two of you get more than everyone else's put together.

A: What can we say? We're girls.


B: Well guys I hate to break this up but I think I'm going to head to bed now.

C: I'll accompany you.

B & C: Goodnight guys.

Everyone: Goodnight.

Es: I'm off too. (She said following Billy and Carlisle into the elevator)

E: I'm going to my room too.

P: Before you go I'd like to know something.

E: And what would that be?

P: What do you guys do when we're all asleep? (He asked referring to the vampires)

R: Well what we do is none of your business.

Ja: Same here. (He smiled shyly)

E: Well my Husband sleeps through the night so I just read or write.

Se: Or he sits and stares and Jacob.

E: He's my Husband.

P: Yeah, that explains your weirdness.

E: It does now I'm going to bed. Goodnight.


E: "Edward, wait!" (He heard Seth call) Yes Seth?

Se: Take this. Anthony wakes up some nights and wants to drink. (He said handing him two bottles)

E: What's in here?

Se: Well one has milk in and the other one has blood.

E: Blood? (He asked clearly surprised)

Se: Yes, Carlisle said we should try it one night when Anthony didn't want his milk. It's a mixture of blood and milk.

E: So he does drink blood?

Se: Yes but not a lot. Sometimes he drinks both empty during the night.

E: I didn't know this.

Se: I always forget to tell you.

E: Well thank you for telling me. Good night Seth.

Se: Goodnight, Edward.

After Edward went to his room the rest of the wolves also went to sleep and Edward's siblings all set up to watch a movie on TV.

***Jakeward Bedroom***

Edward sat their bags next to the closet and then went over to the bed to see Anthony cuddled up on Jacob's side both of them fast asleep. He pulled the blanket over them and went over to the table and started reading on of his books. Four hours later he when he was halfway through the book he heard Anthony's almost silent whimpering and went over to the bed and picked him up. He carried him over to the desk and sat down with him. Anthony was on the brink of crying so Edward gave him the bottle filled with milk and he started drinking it. A while after he pushed it out so Edward thought he was done and wanted to burp him when he read Anthony's mind and saw what he really didn't want to accept. Anthony wanted the other bottle, so Edward as much as he hated it gave him the bottle. After about ten minutes the bottle was empty and Edward was totally surprised. Anthony fell asleep immediately after Edward burped him so Edward put him back down in front of Jacob and went downstairs in search of Carlisle to give him more of the blood for Anthony. After he received the blood he went back up to their room and put the bottle on the bedside table and slipped in behind Jacob on the bed. Jacob moved back towards Edward almost by instinct and Edward put his arms around him. Anthony woke up one more time that night and Edward gave him the blood bottle first which he finished and after went back to sleep again...

Jakeward: Jacob and Edward- The Chosen OneWhere stories live. Discover now