• Chapter 21 •

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1 month later

Emilia's POV

This month has been amazing and bad. The amazing parts are spending time with Dean and my friends, saving people and going on some hunts. But the bad thing about this past month is Micheal and Gabriel are about more with other angels. I think my brothers are getting closer. As well as Lucifer, he keeps sending Demons to attack me, keeps leaving body's and notes but is getting ready to attack.

The only person who knows is Fay because I'm telling her and she's ready to fight with me. But I tell her she can't because Lucifer will kill her in seconds. Fay has also been telling me that her and Cas are being sent to look for 'Emilia' which is me. Fay explained to me that Micheal has an idea where I am. He's also been visiting the group but I sneak away when he does come with Gabriel.

"Where could she be?" Kat asks to herself but everyone looks at her.

Right now we are discussing where I am.

"She doesn't want to be found right and she wants to kill Lucifer so wouldn't she be hiding somewhere near Lucifer?" I say to Kat but all eyes come on to me.

"But she wouldn't want to be caught" Sam sighs.

"Why don't we all just go into town" Fay says out loud. "Even better go on a hunt" she smiles.

"Is there any?" Dean says.

I look over at him and send him a smile. He returns the smile but something is not right. I walk over to him and place my hand on his chest to make him look at me.

"You ok?" I ask him so only we can hear.

"I'm fine Rose" he tells me but I can sees he's not.

"Dean" I say looking at him serious.

"Fine, I just want this to be over" he sighs. "You know just this angel drama" he says and hugs me.

I hug him back and my heart begins to hurt as I'm the cause of this drama. Ive decided I'm going to end this soon and finally tell them the truth.

"So shall we go to town?" Kat asks everyone and I look at Dean.

"Yeah let's go" I say but Fay suddenly walks over to me and pulls me away. "What?" I ask her confused.

"I wouldn't if I was you" Fay told me and I look at her more confused.

"Why?" I ask her even more confused.

"I have a bad feeling" she says and I give her a sympathy smile.

"I'll be fine now let's go" I shout to the others saying to go.

The day has been fun but Fay hasn't stopped worrying. All of us went shopping and just got some lunch. But of course Dean had to get some pie.

As we walk out I see most people are staying round the edges of the town square. I look at the group confused.

"I'll go and see you wait here" I say to them.

At first the guys didn't agree but I convinced them to let me. Finally they did so I drop my two bags and walk into the centre. With the others watching me I look round and suddenly sense something is wrong. I realise what this is.

It's a trap.

I gasp and turn to the group. Suddenly angles start appearing, separating me from everyone else. I hear questions and hear Dean and Sam asking questions. I look at Fay and see a worried look on her face.

It suddenly goes quiet and I sense all eyes leaving me to the person behind me.

"Emilia" the powerful voice of my brother Micheal says.

I hear gasps and look up seeing everyone look at me worried and Dean's face is unexplainable. I turn and look at my brother and also see Gabriel.

"Emilia" Gabriel smirks at me and walks forward but I step back.

"What's going on here?!" I hear Dean shout and spin round to see the group let past the angels.

Every angel is holding an angel blade and the crowd of people who live in the city has grown. More people look at me and I see confused and worried looks.

"Thank you Dean for finding my little sister" Micheal pronounces and looks at me.

"Rose?" I hear Sam say to me. I look at him in sympathy eyes but hear laughing from Gabriel and Micheal.

"Rose seriously little sister" Gabriel laughs.

"Enough!" I shout at him and lose control of my powers by flicking Gabriel and Micheal onto the floor.

I hear more gasps and people shouting things out like 'she's Emilia' or 'what's going to happen?'

"Rose" I hear Dean say but don't look round to him. "Emilia" he says more annoyed and I look at him.

"I'm sorry, I was going to tell you" I say to Dean but he shakes his head.

"Emilia your coming back! Angels!" Micheal claims and order the angels to get me.

"No!" I say and the angels stop. "I'm going to kill Lucifer and stop this mess! I have had enough of being trapped in heaven! I love you but I hate you too!" I shout at Micheal and Gabriel.

They remain silent.

"I was doing fine and I was going to kill Lucifer soon with the help of Fay--" I say but get cut off by Dean.

"Fay! You knew!" He shouts at Fay as she slowly nods her head.

I look at him and see anger and hurt in Dean's eyes, Sam holing a hurt as well as Kat and Kay but Cas I can't read.

"Emilia your not ready and if Lucifer gets you he will use your power" Micheal tells me and I start to walk away.

"Emilia stop" I hear Gabriel say and see Angels watch me closely as everyone else.

"Emilia" Dean's voice ringing into my ears and makes me stop. I look at him, "was this all a lie?" He asks.

"No Dean" I say and feel a wet substance run down my face.

"Emilia how are you crying?" I hear Gabriel ask but I was about to answer until someone else did.

"It's because she's changing" I hear a voice which I haven't heard for a long time and freeze.

Screams erupt and I see everyone in attacking positions. Slowly facing the person.

"Lucifer" I look at my older brother.

"Hello Emilia" he smirks. "How's everyone treating you?" He smirks again and makes me freeze.

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