• Chapter 20 •

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Emilia's POV

I look at Dean in worry as he looks at me with the same feeling.

"Kat what's wrong?" We hear Sam shout and suddenly see him appear.

Kat turns to Sam and hugs him while beginning to laugh. Dean and I stay quiet as we are in a situation.

"My eyes" Kat laughs as Sam looks at her confused. "The two lovebirds here, I accidentally walked in on a moment" she smiled towards Sam then at us.

Sam looks at Dean then to me. A smile crawling up his face. Suddenly all the others appear and a questioning look plastered on his face.

"Cas" Sam says to him, Cas looks at him confused. "We were right Dean had a little crush on Rose as Kat walked on them kissing" Sam smirked to Dean.

"Ok that's enough" Dean says out loud and a small smile makes it way onto my face.

"So what are you two now?" Fay smirks at me and we keep silent.

"I need some water" I say after some time and walk away but I notice the girls walking behind me giggling.

I don't really need water but I still enter the kitchen. I have no idea where me and Dean stand. I take a seat and look at the girls.

"What?" I say and look down.

"What do you mean what. Are you Dean's new girlfriend?" Kay asks wiggling her eyebrows.

"I don't know anymore what we are" I sigh placing my head in my hands.

"Do you want to be?" Kat asks me with a curious look but I can tell she's hiding a smile.

"I don't know, I like him I guess" I admit and that starts the girls giggling.

I don't have time for this? I have to worry about Lucifer and his plan but most importantly how am I going to kill him.

"Come on Kat let's go and see our boyfriends but question Dean" I lift my head up immediately after what Kay said and I watch them run off.

"No" I say to myself and see Fay take a seat next to me.

"Hey Rose" I hear Fay say, I know she hates calling me Rose.

"Call me Emilia when the others aren't close" I smile at her.

"Emilia your a powerful Archangel and I know you have responsibilities" she says meaning my brothers. "But what do you want?" She asks me.

That puts me in deep thought. What do I really want?

"Fay I don't know" I sigh. "But I guess I like Dean" I smile towards her and she glows.

"Look your glowing too" she laughs and I quickly get rid of my soft glow.

It's been an hour and I'm sitting on the front step of the house. Looking at the sky thinking about my brothers. I miss them all and what we have been through. Looking through the stars I think of heaven with all the other angels. Then thinking about every other supernatural or human knowing not who I actually am.

The past hour after Fay left I came her. I could her upstairs the girls giggling away to Dean. But I heard Dean shouting to them and then he kept going quiet and I heard the soft voices of everyone else. The past minute it's been silence and I let out a soft sigh.

Suddenly a rock landed in front of me with paper wrapped round it.

"Hello" I say standing up and head over to it.

I grab the rock and take the paper off. It's another note and I use my angel sense. I sense something was here but it's long gone.

Emilia, my dearest sister
We will meet soon along with our other brothers and I will soon have you.

I read the note over and over again. My brain finally tells me to put it away and I tuck it in my jeans pocket. I look round the driveway and I'm now standing in the centre of it. My eyes travel towards the house and I look back into the city. I need to go but I can't leave. It's like I've made a new family.

As I look out towards the city I don't hear someone coming out the front door.

"Rose" I hear a voice and turn quickly seeing Dean.

I suddenly go nervous. Why am I going nervous? I look at Dean and see him standing there with a nervous expression from what I can see in his eyes.

"Dean" I say to him. "Did the others put you up to this?" I ask.

"No, why would you think that?" He asks and I shrug turning my attention to the night sky.

"It's a lovely night" I say and hear Dean walk closer to me.

"It is" I look at him and see him looking at the sky and then tonne.

"So what can I do for you?" I ask him curiously.

"I'm here to talk about this whole thing" he says pointing in between us.

"If you don't want this it's fine I guess" I blurt out and he doesn't say anything which makes me sigh.

"I do want this" he says and I snap my head up at him.

"What?" I say with a smile forming on my face.

"I want to give us ago" he says with a small smile forming on his face.

We smile at each other for awhile. So long we don't realise we are leaning into each other and our lips suddenly meet. Fireworks being let off by the connection. I never get tired of Dean, he makes me feel human. Our lips move in sync and we finally break apart.

Breathless we stare at each other with a smile on my face which I can't remove just like his face.

"I can never get tired of that" Dean laughs which makes me blush and do a small laugh also.

"Same, I can never get bored of you I have come to find" I smile at him and he smashes his lips against mine in an instant.

I think this is the best night I have ever had in my lifetime. This was certainly a good night for me and Dean. But for me it makes me forget all the bad things and focus on me for once.

It's what I want.

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