Chapter 11- Secrets Relvead

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Diana's pov

During our time at the hospital, when Michael changed into the docters uniform, I changed out of my formal princess public attire into something more comfortable, some shorts and a white tee-shirt.

I usually change into different clothes when I'm here, because I don't want to be the center of attention but I always change back before I leave.

But Since it was dark out, I knew I probably wouldn't get hounded by the press. It's never happened before because they don't like to report when I visit the children because it's something good, so what I do here stays private unless I need to try get volenteers.

All the children absolutely adored Michael and doted over him like he was a shooting star that you only see every hundred years.

Everytime a child's eyes settled on Michael's face, pure bliss and excitement spread across thier faces and echoed in their laughter.

When we announced our departure all the children became very sad and disappointed that we where going, especially that Michael was leaving.

He leaned down and said goodbye to each and every child, patting thier heads and stroking thier backs lovingly, telling them it's alright he'll see then again soon and that he loves them.

I could tell when I first met him backstage at Wembley that he was a very affectionate and compassionate person and I could feel it.

I said goodbye to everyone, kissed thier cheeks and said that I'd see them next week and I thanked all the doctors and nurses for thier help with the kids.

Michael had now changed back into his normal clothes but still kept the medical mask wrapped around his nose and mouth.

Mabye he has allergies or something?
And doesn't want the children or me to catch it.

I gave one last wave to the sweet angels before pushing the entrance door of the hospital open with my shoulder, while Michael followed behind me.

As soon as the door opened, I gasped and pulled my hand to cover my eyes. A man's blinding bright camera flash made my vision blurred and obscured.

A thick brittish accent of the man shouted for a picture.

"Diana!" he shouted. "Diana! Over here!"

Ugh!! Can't I do anything without it going PUBLIC!!

I couldn't see past him, with his camera being shoved into my face. And the flash residue left on my pupil everytime I blink, I struggled to see for a few seconds.

Michael just grabbed my hand and I ran with him to my car.

I guess he wanted to get away before that photographer drawed too much attention to us; don't want a crowd to push through when we don't have any body guards around.

I could hear his footsteps following closely behind us and I saw one more flash before jumping into the drivers seat and Michael in the passengers.

I know he would have offered to drive but, here in England we drive on the right side of the road.

I dug through my purse and found the keys and put them into the ignition.

Turning them quickly and buckling up Michael and I sped off away from the photographer.

Michael and I where driving back I couldn't help but feel terrible and guilty.

"I'm so sorry Michael, this has never happened before, I don't know how someone found out that we where there." I explain honestly.

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