Chapter 10- The Hospital

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Diana's pov

Today I'm visiting the children's hospital again. I asked Charles if he'd like to accompany me but he refused and said he's busy.

I look through some nice things that I loved as a little girl to give to the kids.
I found the Annie™ film and The Mask™. I'll also arrange some flowers for them.

I have no idea where the boys are, they are spending the day with Charles and I want to say goodbye to them before I leave.

I went to their rooms but thier beds where perfectly made and thier pajamas folded.

I called Velvet and she said she hadn't seen them.

I go back into thier room thinking I could find some old toys or something that I could lend the kids. I want to make their stay there less boring.

I open a pirate themed chest and right on top was Michael Jackson's Moonwalker™ film. I'm sure the boys wouldn't mind me lending this to them for a while.
Michaels pov

"do you think it's really him?" I hear a small voice.

"I'm sure it's him, how else would he have all this cool stuff" another answers.

"your right, no one in the world has a wardrobe like this...but just to make sure... "

I twist in my sleep as the curtains in my room are ripped open. I use my forearm to shield my tired eyes but what comes into view wasn't what I expected.

2 little boys at foot of my bed, one wearing my fedora was the other my rhinestone glove.

I giggle.

"oh hello" I say in a hoarse voice.

"Confirmed, it's him" William says to Harry in a serious and deep voice.

"what are you two up to?" I ask and glance down at them.

"we wanna be like you Michael" they say

"oh you do now" I smirk.

Diana's pov

I honestly do not know where these boys are, today they are ment to spend the day with thier father while I'm out.

I threw myself into my charity work in a very personal way, spending countless hours listening to the individual stories and problems of the people I visit.

Charles says it might as well be my job or career. And he doesn't like me away from him or the palace for a long time.

I make the trips at least three times a week, and spend up to four hours at a time with patients holding their hands and talking to them. Some of them will live and some will die, but they all need to be loved while they are here. I try to be there for them.

Charles always asks, "why do you do this and waste your time? They are going to die anyways"

He dosent understand that the worst illness of our time is that so many people have to suffer from never being loved.

I remember last year in 1987 there was still a lack of widespread education on how AIDS was contracted and many people believed that AIDS was contagious through casual contact.

I however, was one of the first celebrities photographed touching and holding HIV/AIDS patients and many experts credit me with removing the stigma associated with AIDS.

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