Chapter 1 - "Well, it's about time!"

Start from the beginning

"Well, that's what you get when your sister's a drummer."

"I have always been a proud, if not slightly deaf, big brother. How did this happen?"

"Well, my professor at Juilliard knows the manager of MSG. He got a call when Sebastian's drummer smashed his hand in a car door."

"No back up drummer?"

"In Seattle with a pregnant wife. So I got a call. Lucky for them, Poppy dragged me here 4 hours early."

"I didn't drag you!" Poppy yelled.

Amelia chuckled.

"Aims, that is amazing! When do you go on?" Charlie asked.

A crew men stepped into the room.

"Now! Bye Charlie."

Poppy rushed over as Amelia pocketed her phone and flung her arms around her.

"Be brilliant!" Poppy said.

Amelia smiled and followed the band out of the dressing room; her small frame looking even more so in the all black attire. The roar of the audience grew louder as they were lead to a cramped area beneath the stage. Every inch of Amelia's body was buzzing. She gripped her drumsticks, breathing in and out.

As the lights went out the crowd erupted into a cacophony of screams. Amelia was guided out from under the stage and to her drum set. As instructed her, she pulled her hood over her head, covering her brown hair that was pulled back into a ponytail. Her eyes quickly adjusted to the blacked out stadium. Every where pinpricks of light shone like stars in the night sky. She heard a scratching noise in her ear and then the tour manager's voice.

"Alright, Amelia, on my count,"

Amelia breathed out as her foot started playing a steady beat on the bass drum. The sound thundering around the stadium. Layer after layer of instruments joined in, the sound energizing Amelia. Then Sebastian's voice rang through the stadium bringing every vocal cord into action as every seat was emptied.

"Take my hand
Let us dance
Cause for one night
I got the chance."

Sebastian's voice was low and clear, as the words filled every inch of the building. The lights blazed as he finished the chorus and was slowly raised up from beneath the stage. Amelia looked out to see the stadium was a blur with faceless bodies.

As the concert progressed, Sebastian seamlessly moved from one song to the next, his voice electrifying the crowd. Amelia took her cues from Todd, becoming more comfortable with each song she played.

Halfway through the show, Sebastian cut off the last note of the song and quickly ducked under the stage. Todd nodded to Amelia, his serious expression falling away. Behind it was a small smile with a hint of expectation for her drum solo interlude.

Amelia smiled. Keeping the steady beat she added layer after layer on top of it. Her hands were blurs as she moved, building up the intensity of the interlude with everything second. After a wild minute, Amelia looked to Todd and he gave her another nod. With one final rapid fire sequence she brought the drums back to a single beat. She effortlessly transitioned to the next song as Sebastian walked back out onto the stage. He glanced back at Amelia before he started singing again.


The concert ended after a three song encore, which Amelia had been told to expect. She followed the band backstage, her body feeling heavy with exhaustion.

"It was a pleasure playing with you tonight," Todd said. "I have never seen anyone play as well as you did with so little time to practice."

He offered her his hand.

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