Presents|| Harry Potter

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Don't judge me, I'm good at doing Harry Potter oneshots...

You, Ron, Harry, and Hermione were opening your Christmas presents. Ron had gotten lots of candy from you, Harry, and Hermione and his mom gave him a jumper. Your mom had sent Ron some food too but you forgot what it was. You didn't know what Ron and Harry got Hermione but you got her some pretty quills and your mom got her a big muggle book and she received a jumper from Mrs. Weasley. Harry had gotten a Quidditch book from Hermione, candy from Ron, a jumper from Mrs. Weasley, a broom cleaning set from your mom and a golden snitch watch from you. "Now you can stop asking me what time it is in potions." You teased smiling. Harry laughed. You went to open your present. Ron gave you candy, Hermione gave you a book, your mom sent you a deathly hallows necklace which made you smile, remembering that story. Mrs. Weasley gave you a (F/C) jumper with a (F/I)(first initial) and you smiled. "This is literally all I wanted for Christmas." You told them putting it on. You reached to open Harry's present and it was a bracelet with a golden snitch on it. "I figured a snitch would be nicer than a quaffle/bludger(depending on your/your favorite Quidditch position)." You smiled. "We match now!" Harry laughed. You crawled over and gave Harry a hug. "Thanks, I really love it."

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