Mistletoe|| Fred Weasley

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It was crazy how many times it had happened...

You were spending Christmas with the Weasley's along with Harry and Hermione and it was great. Except for the mistletoe. It happened so many times, you kept getting stuck under the mistletoe. First with Charlie with made you blush immensely after kissing his cheek, then with Harry who blushed when you kissed his cheek, then George who took it upon himself to kiss your hand. Next Ron who looked uncomfortable, "You have to do it Ron." Harry teased. You laughed and kissed his cheek. Getting stuck with Charlie again was a show for everybody when your face turned red again. Bill stole George's idea and kissed your hand. Finally everybody was settling down and getting ready for bed. You were a bot cold. "Fred I'm going to go steal your jumper." You said, you soft footsteps keeping a steady beat. When you got back in Fred's jumper and a pair of pajama pants you were half asleep. You sat in between Fred and George. Charlie and Bill were sitting across from you guys. You were falling asleep and your head was on Fred's shoulder. "(Y/N)?" You glanced up at George. "Hmm?" You hummed. "There's mistletoe above you and Fred." You leaned up kissing Fred's chin, not checking to see the nonexistent mistletoe above your head before falling asleep.

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