Chapter 6

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Ruby found herself staring at Louis for quite some time, his eyes meet Ruby's that was when she turned around pretending to look at her nails. 

"I'm sexy and i know it," Louis winked at Ruby. Ruby looked at him with a face like if she wanted to kill him.

"Yea sure, you are so sexy that when my grandma looked at you, she had a heart attack, she never seen someone that ugly, " Ruby replied sarcastically.

"Sure she did," Louis replied playing along with Ruby's sarcasm.

Louis walked closer to Ruby, but caught himself before he could stand too close to her. She looked at him with admiration and affection. Ruby knew that downworlders, and 'mundanes' couldn't be together, and respected that fact. She cared mostly for Jace because he was her friend, but Ruby couldn't bring herself to care more about Louis than she already did.

Jace walked up to Ruby snatching her up into a huge, tight hug, but Ruby didn't care. He was her best friend after all. Ruby hugged him back, and watched as Jailyn's face started to heat up.

"Don't worry, he's just my friend," Ruby said.

"I know, but you two look so cute together. If only you weren't a mundane," Jailyn replied.

"I don't mind, but it does keep me away from Jace for days, even weeks," Ruby answered without satisfaction.

"Can I talk to Ruby alone?"

Everyone left expect Ruby, and Jailyn leaned in to tell her something that would make Ruby part of the downworlders, but Ruby was to scared to accept.

"You can get bitten by a werewolf to become one, get bitten by a vampire and die to become one of them, or drink angel blood from the mortal cup to become a shadowhunter like Jace and I. Warning most people that drink from the mortal cup do make it," Jailyn explained.

"Well I'll think about it, but I'm not making any promises," Ruby replied.

"Listen Ruby, I like Jace so stay away from him!!" Jailyn screeched at Ruby, giving her a dirty look and walking up to Jace giving him a slap across his face.

Jace rubbed his cheek in pain, looking at Jailyn with a puzzled look. Ruby was astonished about what just happened, and Louis was no where in sight, leaving Ruby, wondering where he went. Would she be able to see him again? 

"What was that for?" Jace asked, nearing Jaylin, she walked away giving him the finger, and running away. Jace looked at Ruby, asking her what happened.

"I... she said something -" Ruby tried to explaining but Jace stopped her.

"Save it!" Jace shouted, walking away looking for Jaiyln.

Ruby just lost her best friend, in a matter of minutes. Ruby started following him, but he was already long gone.

Ruby rubbed her eyes, trying to stop the tears from following. Thinking that her luck was the worst one anyone could ever ask for. She started to hear noises, from behind the building, so she walked towards the noises.

Her eyes widened at what she saw. Louis was kissing a blonde girl, and they were getting it on. Ruby gasped feeling her heart shattering into pieces.

She couldn't believe what she was seeing.  Ruby ran away, sobbing and since almost the world is giving her bad luck, to make matters worse it started raining.

Ruby walked home in the rain, with all sorts of thought going around in her head. She didn't think that Louis would do this to her, but it was in plain sight and in person. While she was walking to a bus stop, she was continuing the thought about Louis. Even after she got on the bus, she kept thinking about him.

While on the bus, a crazy man came with a broom sitting next to her,he hasn't showered for years so he stinked like a sewer with garbage, he looked like a human monster. 

Ruby grabbed body spray from her bag and sprayed it everywhere,trying to elimante the stinking smell but unfourtonely the guy farted,making ruby fainted.

The bus man stopped the bus, and he thought Ruby was dead so he threw her out of the bus, and a chicken came out of nowhere and started hitting Ruby with its beak


A/N Heyyyy yalll sup my homies ?? Where have i been well well to answer that question i been busy with escuela aka school of prison my lawddd D: I luff you all,thanks for reading yall  bitachous stay sexyy ;D Im out peace out suckersss ✌

P.s Vote,comment, and of coursee follow me, you will get free pizza :D jk but still.. i hope you like the end of this chp ;)  

❤ Riley ❤

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