Chapter 5

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Still in Ruby's point of view.

My eyes teary because of all the commotion, but I knew that Jace and Jailyn would love to talk by themselves. I didn't trust myself going with Louis alone, so I stayed put, and didn't talk to anyone for the rest of the night. When Jailyn and Jace left the club together, I felt a lump in my throat. I thought I was losing my best friend. Jace and Jailyn were perfect for each other though, and I wasn't about to separate them. I feel that being a "mundane" is much harder than expected. I knew that I was just being jealous, but it happens when all your friends are from the underworld. I guess it's time for me to walk home now. I wiped my face from the tears that were flowing down my cheeks. As I walked home, I bumped into a group of kids. I thought there was something different about them, but I hadn't followed my instincts. I strolled towards the group of young teenagers, but I walked towards them, they grabbed me, and tied my hands behind my back. Then they gagged me, and walked picked me up to tie my legs together. I was trying so hard to get loose of their grip, but they held on tight. Oh no. Vampires. They soon blindfolded me. I was to scared to move, so I let them take me. I heard the Vampires say that they would use me to get to Jace I had to do something about it, but I was too scared.


The next thing I know, the vampires were talking with Jace. After a while I was seated down against the wall still tied up. I knew that wasn't the end of it, but I decided to stay still in case of any of the vampires are ready to get a useless, blind, tied up person. After a while of me sitting on the ground propped up against the wall, someone picked me up. The person that picked me up, I assumed that was a vampire because the moment I was lifted off the ground, I felt a blade between my shoulder blades.

Jace's P.O.V.

I was trying my best to keep Ruby alive. "What do you want from me?" I asked impatiently. The vampires stared at me, like I was crazy, but I waved it off. The vampires were starting to charge at me, but the only one that held his spot was the one that was the one that kept the blade between her shoulder blades. I was trying to get the vampires to go after me, and leave Ruby alone, but it wasn't working. "Jailyn, you better leave," I said. When all the vampires were coming at me, and while I was running away and telling Jailyn where to go. Ruby was going to get hurt if I didn't figure out what the vampires want and soon.

"What do you want?" I insisted.

"We want to...

It was too late, Ruby was shrieking in pain at the blade that was starting to pierce through her back. I was trying really hard now. 

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" I demanded.

"We want to know where the mortal cup is," the vampires chorused.

"Why do you need it?" I questioned.

"We can't tell you," said a vampire.

We were interrupted again by really high shriek coming from Ruby. It was hard to concentrate on what to say when my best friend was being harmed.

Ruby's P.O.V.

I felt the vampire loosen the girp on the blade, and lift me off the ground. The wind making my hair  flow. I knew we were on the move, but to where. I was getting very scared, and I couldn't hear Jace or anyone else other than the vampire that was dragging me off somewhere. I knew that the place where we were handed was dark because after a while, the wind stopped, and i heard only footsteps of the vampire. Jace can't just leave me with the vampires. Louis, where's Louis? I left him back at the club, and now I'm stuck here with the vampires for goodness I don't know how long. Will Jace ever find me here? I trying to stay relaxed apparently it's not working very well. I hope Jace, Jailyn, or even Louis can find me here.

I felt the cloth of the blindfold being lifted off my face. I knew that I was far away from home, but I wasn't going to worry. I still have my phone with me, and it;s dead. Where is Jace? I need to get out of this dark place. I couldn't see through the darkness that filled the room. I was surprised when I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I didn't even know who it was until something happened, and light suddenly flooded the room. Louis was standing there right in front of me, but I was to amazed at the amount of vampires fleeing from the light. At that moment, I knew where I was. Hotel Dumort/Hotel of Death - the vampire's lair.

"Where's Jace?" I asked.

"He's coming. Are you okay?" Louis asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, but I need to see Jace, NOW!" I insisted.

"What do you think I have some sort of spell to teleport people where I want them to go?" Louis answered sacastically.

"Well yes, you are a warlock by the way," I replied in the same sacastic sort of way.

I heard footsteps behind me, so I turned around. I saw Jace and Jailyn running towards us. My heart almost lept out of my chest when I saw that they were fine. I was a bit surprised when Jace told me to turn around. he then told Jailyn to see the cut that the vampires did to me on my back. I was about to refuse, but reluctantly agreed when Jailyn told Jace and Louis to look away while she bandaged my back because the rune were to strong for 'mundanes'. When Jailyn was done, I was satisfied. She told the boy that they could turn around now. I was so glad that I wasn't killed during all the commotion, that I felt like I could just right home, and forget about everything. I was going to go to bed, and then awake up in the morning forgetting what happened tonight.


Sorry it took awhile to update, but I had writer's block for a while. Now I'm back on business, and would love to ask you to read my friends book: The Mortal Instruments: Clary's Twin Sister. Thank you for reading! :)

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