Chapter 2

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I helped the girl with her car, and walked back home. When I looked out the window, she was just staring out into space. I knew she wasn't going to move from there. She stood there looking at me for a couple more minutes, and then she moved on, and looked at her car. I was much of an engineer, but I think I can do pretty decent when at working cars. Anyway, I walked back out of the house to see her standing there trying to fix her car. Her delicate hands wouldn't be able to do anything this hard and dirty. I turned to her once more, and before I could stop myself I place my hand on her shoulder. The feeling I had when I did this was unexplainable. I tried not to show her my emotions, but failed trying. The girl simply stood looking at me. I took my hand off her shoulder, and she turned to face me. The unexplainable feeling had gone away, and now I was left to tell her why I did what I did.

"What's wrong with you?!" she asks.

"I was trying to see if you needed anymore help," I replied.

"Well I think you helped me enough, and no more help is needed from a guy that doesn't know how to fix a car," she screeched.

"I think I know how a fucking car works," I defended.

I wasn't trying to get her mad at me, but I was just trying to help. She was just looking at me, and the glow from her eyes was like an angel staring back. I knew that I was of no use for her, so I started to walk back to my house. I turn around for a moment to see the girl staring at me. I stood there with lifeless expression on my face. I hope I get to see her again, if she finds a way to get her car working again. My heart dropped, but I was really happy that I got to see and talk to her for a while. I may see her again pretty soon. I walked back to see that her eyes were sparlking as bright as the shining sun. It felt good to see her simle at me, but I couldn't pay any attention to what I was doing because her smile was so perfect. It was the exact shape of a cresent moon, and my thoughts lingered for a while longer. She looked in my eyes as I started to walk away again.

"Wait, I need you to help me out again. If your so good at engieering cars," the girl said.

"Alright, I'll see what I can do to help you," I replied.

I walked back to her car, glancing one more time at her and then  i asked her 

"Do you have something that could sustain the hood of you car ? " I asked her furrowing my eyebrows thinking of what could've made her car broke down remebering the few things that i know of why a car breaks down 

An engine hestitation,over heating, a flat tire,  out of gasoline, or some type of failure like evarpotive leak. 

- Ruby's p.o.v - 

I was in deep thought when i heard his raspy and husky voice the perfect combination of a voice, it makes him even sexyier then he is... wait what am i thinking ?? ugh stupid hormones im guessing 

"Huh ? " I asked looking at him with wide eyes, I didn't relize that i was biting my thumb a bad habit that i do when im nervous

He laughed, His laugh so perfect that made me smile 

"Sweetheart, I don't know what is going on in your head but i asked if you happen to have something that could sustain the hood of the car babe " His soothing voice said 

I mentally slapped myself, I just nodded, i didn't know what to say nothing would come out of mouth but he called me a babe a sweetheart

What is happening to me ? I shook my head at my sillyness walking over to the trunk of my car. I opened the trunk grabbing a black stick that is used to sustain the hood of my car, i keep it here because i thought that i would never use it.

I walked over to him, handing him the stick, he gladly grabbed it, his hands felt so rough and firm, they were so big compared to mines 

"Thanks babe " He smiled his perfect smile at m, I gave him a small smile looking at the ground 

I kept on thinking about him, why in my eyes he looks so perfect, maybe im going crazy. He isn't the type of guy that i would go for 

I looked up, and i almost passed out. He looks so hot and sexy fixing my car, his muscles flexed i wanted to reach out, to touch his muscles. He obviously worked out. I blushed at my thoughts i shouldn't be thinking this.

I tried to tear my gaze from his perfect body but it was no use, I saw a devlish grin playing on his lips. I immeditly blushed knowing that he caught me. 

"Princess, you like what you see ? " He smirked at me and his eyes seemed playfully 

"I... I.... don't like what i see " I said  oh my god, I sounded so retarded, he must think that i am a creep now 

He started laughing at my stupidness, I blushed even more in embressment. I hit him playfully 

"Stop laughing, its not funny " I grumpily told him he stopped for a minute looking at me with a grin 

"You know that didn't hurt babe, what's your name by the way i never asked " He said i rolled my eyes at him 

"Ruby andrewson, and whats yours bad boy " I spilled out, Can i be more embressing ? I just called him a bad boy i offically need to shut up 

"Louis Tomlinson, and thanks i take that as a compliment, I know im bad " He winked at me, My face grew hot, I grabbed the sleeves of my sweater attempting to cover my face

"Well my job here is done Babe, your car should be fine it was just an engine malfunction " Louis said closing the hood of the car walking over to me 

"Thank you Louis " I smiled looking at him 

"No problem babe,  I hope to see you around " He winked ,i giggled  and i walked away into my car, I turned on the engine and my car roared to life, I backed away looking in the rearview mirror seeing that Louis was no where in sight. I started driving away, Going to the freeway back to my house. 

I hope i see him again. 

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