Chapter 8

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Jace walked out of Ruby's house, and headed for the bus, leaving the crazy old man chain in a closet with enough food and water to last him at least two months. He told Louis that he should go get his car, and that maybe it would be faster to get to the countryside if he didn't stop for anything. 

Jace got on the bus wanting to seem like a normal teenager in front of all the humans in there, he sat down. Thinking about how Ruby was doing was much more painful to him than being in a fight with demons coming after him, and clawing at him. He look at his hands, and saw that they had a few scratches that were bleeding. Jace didn't have anything to heal them except for his stele, but he didn't want the other people to see. He sat there watching the blood run down his hands. 

How did he not notice that he was hurt, when he was fighting the crazy old man? Was he to focused on where Ruby could be, that he had forgetting to take care of himself? So many questions running through his head, and he didn't even have an answer for any of them. He just wished that Ruby would be fine when he found her.

Ruby had woken up just as the sun began to rise. She was hungry, starving in fact. Where would she find any food, and how could she even live without the necessary ingredients like food and water? She thought it was a very good time to start walking out of the country, and try to get to the city again. The thought that she had been knocked out by the odor of a man was terrible. She was suppose to be able to fight to protect herself.

She couldn't even hold the stench of the old man that threw her off the bus. Was anyone looking for her? Where was she? How could she get back home? Ruby starving and thirsty walked along the side of the street toward the way she thought the city was.

Jace and Louis were the only things on her mind. She remembered how she saw Louis last and switched to Jace, but then she would remember how jealous Jaylin acted. Ruby was just Jace's friend, it wasn't more than that. At least she didn't think it was.

Jace had been on the bus for a long time and was getting worried. Ruby was nowhere in sight. She could have been taken by the vampires or werewolves. Jace tried to think positively, but only negative thoughts came to him.

Why would she even run away? She must be mad to run off like that. Jace couldn't think correctly, and so he just sat back on his seat. The blood was dried, and it would take hours to get the stains off, but he didn't care, he just wanted to know if Ruby was okay. They had been friends for such a long time, and nothing this drastic would have ever occurred to her unless she was provoked.

Jaylin. What could she have done or said that was so bad? Jace thought about it for a while more, and then erased that thought from his head. Ruby. Ruby. You need to find RUBY!

Louis had gotten on the road, and was driving through the city, but not a clue to where Ruby could be stood around. He blamed himself. He should have been watching over her instead of hanging out with the girl. Ruby was his top priority now, and he needed to find her. Maybe a spell could help him, but it would need an object that she has held recently.

It's been three days since we last saw her, and so that spell wouldn't work. Magic always comes with a price. There were always rules to be obeyed, and Louis wasn't about to loose his magic privileges for a girl. He missed her, but he needed to stay on task.

Come on think Louis, what could he do to find her? Oh. He had been looking through the entire city, but the country wasn't that far away from where he was at the moment. The thought of Ruby being in the country was so bad. She had always been the "goody-goody" she wouldn't be able to survive for long out of the city.

New York was the craziest place you could ever be living in, and I know because I came from Florida where the weather is always warmer there than here.

Ruby was still walking along the street. She was looking for the next bus to come pick her up, but there hadn't been a single bus going by in the last three days, why would one come today. Her spirits were lifted when she saw a familiar black automobile coming towards her. Soon behind it was a blue car that she had also seen before.

As the automobiles came closer she realised that they were the New York City bus and Louis' car. She didn't want to see Louis anytime soon, so she was eager to see that the bus had arrived before the car. The bus came to a screeching halt, and the doors flew open.

Ruby scrambled onto the bus through the open doors of the bus. She didn't look that bad, but she did have messy hair. A certain young man with blonde hair walked up to her and pulled her into a tight embrace. "Wow, I thought I'd never see you again," Ruby exclaimed. Jace into her eyes, and pulled her to his seat. Settling her next to him, and allowing her to lean on him, and fall asleep.


Hey everyone, I know that I said that I would cut this story short, but I decided to continue it. I know it's been awhile since I updated anything, but I am planning on updating a new chapter every possible time. The summer will be more eventful, but I will try my best to keep this book going. I hope you liked it, and please vote, comment/review, and fan! ENJOY! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2014 ⏰

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