Chapter 7

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After a while, Ruby woke up with scratches on her face. She was wondering why there were so many scratches on her face. She then started to wonder why Louis would do such a thing like that, and why Jace was now ignoring her.

Wasn't she on the bus? Oh yeah, the crazy man came, and she was knocked out by the odor that was coming from him. Ruby was now sitting at the end of the street waiting for a taxi to come get her. There were no taxis for hours, and she was just sitting there watching the cars go by.

Jace was walking around Ruby's neighborhood, when he noticed that there were no lights on in the house. Ruby always left a least one light on in her house no matter what time of day it was. Jace was starting to get a bit scared. He was never scared. Why did he leave her behind alone? Jailyn still didn't want to talk to him, and now he was alone. Ruby was missing or something happened, and Louis was no where to be found.

Jace walked to Ruby's house to make sure, she didn't just turn off the light on purpose, but when he looked through the window to her house, it was dim. Jace strolled to the front door where he knocked, but the door slid right open. Jace couldn't believe his own eyes. The place had been searched through.

Back on the country road, Ruby sat waiting for a chance to bring everything back to how it was. It had been like forever since she ate or drank anything, and she not willing to just forget about her old life. She would do whatever would be necessary to go back to her old life. Jace and her were still friends caring for each other.

Louis was never part of their lives until that day when her car had to stop working. Ruby was still trying to figure a way to get over the past, and move into the future without harming anyone or their relationship. Jace was in love with Jailyn, and Ruby had almost cut that wide open.

Now Jace didn't even want to find her. He must have found out that something was wrong. The light was turned off at Ruby's house, and no one was in there. it doesn't take more than a couple of minutes to figure out that someone has been trying to run away, but in the process, thrown out of a bus.

Jace was now running through the house trying to find any clues on where to find Ruby, and when he got to her closet, he opened it, and an enormous odor came from the clothes like as if the person that was crazy enough to come in, and try to steal something smelled like a piece of sh*t.

As Jace was looking around the closet, he felt a bump in the back of the closet, and got ready. When he separated the clothes, the crazy man that attacked Ruby in the bus was hiding. Jace was opening to closet bigger to get the person, and get rid of him once and for all.

He wasn't planning on killing the crazy man, but befriend him, and then send him to the police. The police could choose what to do the smelly man, that smelled like he hadn't taken a shower in about seven years.

Jailyn was thinking about why she had been so upset of nothing. Ruby and Jace had been friends for longer that she would have even expected. They were like a brother and sister. Jailyn was wondering what she could do to make it up to Jace and Ruby. the entire time. Jailyn took the time to think about what would be a perfect forgiveness present.

Ruby's forgiveness present would be the most special of all of them. Jace would recieve a literallal smile, and hug. Ruby would recieve a very long trip to New York with Jace for three months. Jailyn was tryign to be the caring person she knew she could be, but figure that her jealousy was getting the way of her kindness.

Louis was still hanging out with the girl that caught his heart. It was like as if he hadn't just suddenly realized what was going on. Ruby was missing, and the girl in front of him was keeping his mind off of everything.

Louis was going to leave her at her house, and then go to visit Ruby at her house. When he left the girl a her house, he then walked to Ruby's house. When he saw the door was wide open, he knew something was wrong, so he ran into the house.

When he entered the house, it smelled like garbage. He was wandering around the house looking for the cause of the smell, when Jace and the crazy man came out of Ruby's room. The crazy man was holding a broom, and Jace was fighting with his seraph blade. Louis used a spell to separate the men from each other. "What is going on here?" he asked, only to earn a kick and a whack on the face. he was just so astonished that Jace would be acting this way. Louis and Jace were never friends, but he knew that Jace would only fight for a good cause.

Jace was being held be a spell that Louis conjured, and saw that there was no point in continuing the fight. Jace slipped his seraph blade into its scabbard. Louis let Jace go, but had to wait until the stinky, crazy man calmed down. Jace offered some soap and perfume to the crazy man, but he declined. Jace was trying to hold his breath for the longest time.

"Are you sure, you don't want this bar of soap and perfume?" Jace asked the man.

"I'm sure, now put me down!" the man growled.

"Where is Ruby?" Louis questioned.

"Who is Ruby?" the man answered with none other than a question.

"The girl that lives here," Jace replied.

"Oh that girl, well they threw off the bus when she pasted out because of my stench," the man explained.

"Where?" Louis and Jace chorused.

"In the countryside," the man responded.

Meanwhile, Ruby is still on the side of street trying to find someone that could help her get back home. It was already dusk, and Ruby had been waiting for hours to get back home.


Hey I hope you liked the chapter. I was planning on making it a bit funny, but If it's not funny to you, well please comment to tell me what you think is fun, and I will try to incorporate it int the next chapter. Don't forget to vote for the book! :)

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