Waxing Love 9: "No throwing up in the car."

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            The next few days passed, again uneventfully, and I was about to go crazy. I was in effect a prisoner, although it didn’t necessarily look like it. But they had taken away my mobile and I couldn’t go on the internet. And I couldn’t leave by myself, not until they could be sure that I wouldn’t just run off, but would come back like a good little mate. Psh.

            Luke had largely ignored me and any comment that I made after our shopping trip. I suppose he just avoided me and hoped that I would settle in and finally give in and then I’d be under whatever ‘mate spell’ that they had and would never do anything against him ever again. Fat chance of that happening. But in the meantime I was slowly going out of my mind.

            Saturday night marked a full week that I had been here. That thought alone depressed me to no end, and I was sitting curled up on the sofa contemplating my sad fate and promising myself that I wouldn’t deviate from my plan to get them to let me go when Meredith came into the room.

            “Come on. We’re going out. Just you and me. Go get ready.”

            I just stared at her for a few seconds before I got into action. “Where are we going?”

            “Out. A bar. You need to get out for a bit.”

            I didn’t comment, I just gratefully got up and went to my room to put on skinny jeans, brown leather boots, and a green shirt. It wasn’t particularly dressy, but it would work for most bars, and considering I didn’t know what kind of place we were going to, it was a safe outfit. After quickly touching up on my makeup, I decided it would have to do. I met Meredith downstairs by the front door; she had changed into a short black skirt and a top.

            She led the way to a car, I assumed her own, and soon we were speeding down the road. At a red light, Meredith sighed and pulled the hair tie out of her hair, shaking her head. “Luke probably won’t be too happy, but I thought you needed a break from the pack.”

            I nodded. “Sounds perfect. If only we could make the break permanent,” I said somewhat wistfully, before feeling a bit guilty. Meredith had never been anything but nice to me, and I wasn’t sure what she thought of my being forced to ‘mate’ with Luke or if she’d feel offended that all I wanted was to get as far away from them all as possible.

            She didn’t say anything until she pulled up outside a bar. “Come on, then.”

            I followed her inside, as she obviously knew it better than I did. It was a dark place, with a DJ and a dance floor, but it wasn’t quite a club. We slid onto high stools around a table that was relatively close to the bar and not too exposed to the music or dancing people.

            “What do you want?” I asked, getting up to order drinks.

            “Sit down,” Meredith said firmly. “I’ll go get the drinks. Any preference when it comes to vodka, gin or tequila?”

            “Normally gin, but for tonight let’s go vodka,” I conceded, sliding back onto the stool. My toes barely touched the floor and Meredith literally had to hop off the chair. Smoothing down her skirt in case it had ridden up from the jump, she went off for quite a while. When she came back she was bearing a whole tray with an assortment of glasses.

            “Sea Breezes to start with and shots to follow,” she announced, smiling for the first time that night.

            “Sounds good,” I said a bit warily. There was a lot of alcohol on the tray. But I dutifully picked up one of the Sea Breezes and clinked glasses with Meredith’s before taking a big sip.

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