Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

The media believed the ‘just friends’ thing, but I still get hated for even being friends with him. Apparently the fans don’t want Zayn to be happy.

This is just like his song, They Don’t Know About Us. My parents don’t even know about Zayn and I. When I talked to Nick a couple of days ago, I didn’t even tell him. Not because I didn’t want to, but just because the friendship we had felt down to zero.

How am I even going to tell Ella? Shell probably kill me, die because of a shock, or just ask for Niall. She’s weird, I know, told you that before.

“Babe? Helloooo?” Zayn says snapping his fingers in front of my face.


“We can board, I’d love it if you’d come with me, I don’t want to leave you here”

I nod and get up. After I stretched a bit, Zayn and I take place is the line.

“Emmm, do you label this as a public place?”

“Don’t know, why?”

“Because, I just really want to kiss you right now” Zayn whispers into my ear.

“I think it is, but I don’t really see any big cameras taking pictures of you so…”

 “Great” Zayn says and presses his lips on mine.

“Urhm… can you please take some steps forwards please. You two love doves are holding up the line” someone says tapping my shoulder as Zayn and I’s lips were moving in sync.

We pull out with red faces and without doubt we do what the man asked us to. We both stay silence, and look a different way. I know if I look at Zayn right now, I will either burst out in laughter, or my head goes so red it might explode…


“Zayn, no it’s my turn” I say while we play stupid games on his iPad.

“No it’s not, look, it says it’s my turn. Don’t try to cheat”

“Meh, fine” I say crossing my arms.

“See, now it’s your turn”

“No, now I don’t want to play anymore”

“Babe, common, it’s just a game”

“I know, but I’m hungry, so now I’m sad. I don’t want to starve while I’m playing a game”

“Shall I get my girl some food then?”

“YES, be a nice boyfriend and get me something to eat… fast please”

“If I didn’t love you this much I’d never do this”

“Then it’s a good thing you DO love me loads” I say giving him a quick kiss before he gets up.



I get up and walk towards the back of the plane to ask something to eat. But instead of getting an answer some flight attendant turns around standing there with big eyes.

“Oh god. You’re Zayn Malik, from One Direction” she says.

“Yup, I was wondering if I could get something to eat for my girl?”

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