Update of announcement!

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We decided to finally come up with another book, 'Lost in the dark' We got totally amazed. We've read lots of scary stories and we decided to come up with a book containing a lot of amazing and scary stories of our own. We hope you'll stay with us and support our next book. We are still planning tho. Everything is not yet settled but we hope y'all will stay tuned. As of the updates of this book, I decided to continue nalang with my way on how I update. Naninibago kasi ako which makes me a bit uncomfortable. So Updates will stay as is and maguupdate ako maybe today and some will follow. 

Btw, since this book is meant to be updated by me and my friends, I've decided to change every detail and start from zero again. I was the most active one since everyone else is busy. Jadyline is our group's name. Our ways of creating a name for our group is a bit common but yeah. Our next book might be on English (language) or Filipino, personally I like stories that is more on English but describing every detail using English is a bit too ... time eater so some stories will be in Filipino. ANYWAYS I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY CHRISTMAS! Lots of love :* God bless everyone.

Quotes, Jokes, & Etc.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon