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05/10/2017 - 9pm

The mansion was very big. The ball was outside in the backyard. I enter a huge tent that fit all of the people here which is a lot. I sit at the bar, observing the party. There was no sign of Des Styles in the room nor Dylan.

"What can I get for you, ma'am?" the bartender asks.

"Just some water please." I respond, then went back to observing.

A group of men enter the tent and sat in the far back corner. Dylan has to be with them because that Harry man is there. It was hard to tell who Dylan was with the masks. I watch the group talk and laugh then I notice the one staring back at me, Harry.

"Here's your water, ma'am." the bartender comes at a perfect time.

I turn around, gripping the glass. "Thank you."

I sip the water then take a glance over my shoulder at the group. I breathe in deeply trying to relax from this stressful mission.

"Can I get a round of drinks to the back table over there?" a man appears by my side. I observe him and his body language. This man looks like the person Mr. Cunningham described, but I couldn't be sure of it. He glances at me and smiles. "Hello there,"

I cough lightly, looking away. "Hi, how are you?"

"I'm just fine, thank you." he says, sitting in the chair next to me. "How are you doing?"

"Okay, but I feel weird." I tell him. "It's my first party I've attended here and I don't know anyone."

He tilts his head and smiles. "Well, I'm Dylan." he tells me, and excitement rises in me. "Now you know someone here."

I smile, shaking his hand. "Hi Dylan, I'm Lucy."

"Lucy," he repeats me. "Do you want to come to sit with me and my friends over there?"

I look over to the back corner to see another man, an older man, with the group.

"I-I don't know,"

"C'mon, then you'll know more people."

I sigh, nodding then follow him to the back table. I have to get close to him, so he trusts me and I have to do all of this in less than an hour. Then again, I need to go for myself because I'm sure that older man has to be Des Styles.

"Hello sir," Dylan greets the older man.

"Dylan, I see you've found yourself a nice looking lady." the older man laughs. "Well, I've got to go greet my other guests. Have a good night gentlemen." he waves, walking away then stops. "Oh, and Harold," he looks at Harry. "Try to stay out of trouble tonight, okay."

"Will do, dad." Harry says then laughs when his father walks away.

It was just as I suspected. That man was Des Styles. Anger boiled in me as I watched him going around talking to people like normal. He is not a normal person. He is a monster.

"So who's this?" someone questions.

I turn my head back to the group. Dylan gently places a hand on my shoulder and tells them my name. "She's lonely tonight, so I invited her to hang out with us."

"Lonely?" Harry says, looking up at me from his laid-back position. "Did your friends leave you because of your ripped dress?"

"She doesn't have an-"

"That is none of your business." I blurt out at Harry before Dylan revealed my lie.

Harry sits up straight and folds his hand. "Excuse me?" he says lowly. "Do you know who you're talking to, darling?"

"Harry, don't get upset with her. She's just trying to make n-"

"Maybe I should go." I interrupt him again.

"Make what?" Harry questions.

"I-I should go." I say, trying to leave, but Dylan blocked my way so I couldn't.

"You shouldn't be alone." Dylan says. "You should have some fun tonight. It is a party and all."

"Yes Lucy darling," Harry smirks. "Have a drink." he offers when a tray of beverages is served. "You want to have fun, don't you?"

I sit down with Dylan next to me and decline the offer. "I don't drink."

"You don't?" Harry raises his eyebrows. "How old are you, sweetheart?"


"Nineteen?" he laughs, sipping his drink. "Surely you drink. How old were you when you started drinking, Dylan?"

"My dad let me have my first beer at fifteen." Dylan answers. "But you don't have to drink if you don't want to."

I nod and smile at how kind this man was. His father was right. He doesn't belong in this mafia or any kind of criminal organization.

"I have, but I just don't like it."

"Just one," Harry pressures, holding out a drink for me. "One won't hurt."

I was getting annoyed, but I take the drink anyway so the attention could be taken off of me. I look at Dylan who just kept his smile. The group was watching me until I took a sip of the drink.


Two drinks later were enough for the night. My bladder was filled and I really had to go. I get up only to be questioned by Harry of course. I leave for the nearest bathroom and did my business. I look at myself in the mirror afterward. I splash my reddened skin with cold water. I am a lightweight when it comes to alcoholic beverages, so I tried keeping a slow pace. It didn't really help much because I felt the beverage affecting me.

The bathroom was surprisingly empty. I could hear the music from outside. Then voices nearby caught my attention. I slowly get to the door, pressing my ear to it.

"When are you getting rid of him, Harold?" an angry voice asks. I couldn't hear the response because he was talking really low. "Dylan has to go. I don't know what you were thinking when you brought him here. He hasn't even used his gun yet."

"Dylan just isn't that kind of guy, dad."

"He also isn't very smart." Des remarks. "That kid may act wise, but he's not all there."

"That's what I like about him." Harry says. "I can trick him into doing things he would never think of doing."

"That's good for you son, but he hasn't done a thing for me." Des argues. "Harold, you have to get rid of him. He has no use here."

"I can't do that."

"It's not that hard." Des snaps. "Get your gun, point it at the dull head of his, and blow."

"He's my friend!"

"Don't tell me he gotten to you, son." he groans. "Have I taught you nothing? Do we have to go through everything again?"

"No, please no." Harry begs. "I'll do it, I just need to find the right time."

"It better be soon and not later. You know what'll happen."

I gasp softly, backing away from the door as they walk off. They're trying to kill Dylan. I have to hurry up and get him out of here. Dylan doesn't deserve any of this. The Styles' are really the monster they make out to be.

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