"You're the weirdest person I know." She scoffs. 

"You mean the sexiest, right?" I smirk.

"I have a question." She says while leaning her head on my shoulder as I begin walking up the stairs. 

"I have an answer."

"How do you know you have an answer? You're not all knowing."

I laugh. "Get to the point, dork."

She clears her throat before she speaks, "Uh, well, I was going to ask why it seems as though you have multiple personalities... You always switch mindsets like that. One moment, you're being cocky and a slight asshole, but the next you're sweet and caring. And then there's the moments when you're a complete and total asshole. I just don't understand you."

Yeah, I don't understand me either. Join the club.

I sigh, "There's a word for that, sweetheart. It's called bipolar."

"Wait so you're actually classified as bipolar? I used to call you that in my head but I didn't think it was actually true." So she already half thought I was, lovely. "Sorry I brought that up." She acts as though it's a terrible thing.

"Don't worry about it, that's the least of my problems." I say, not thinking anything of the words. They ran through my head as nothing, but in hers, a door must've opened.

"What do you mean the least of your problems? What other problems?" Things I don't want you knowing.

"Nothing important." I say nonchalantly, hoping she'll drop it.

"You've just contradicted yourself. Even if you don't want to let me in now, you will. I'll wait. But you'll let me into your life eventually. You can't shut everyone out forever."

You know too much for comfort already, so no.

Th conversation goes dead so we're in silence now. I see her door up ahead and make a last second decision that I hope she won't be mad about. I've just missed her... so, I pass her room and continue to mine. 

"Uh, Aiden?" She says confused.

"Shh." I don't even know what to say other than I just want her to stay with me. Don't ask why because I can't answer that. The closest answer I have to that is 'because she's cute'. 

I walk into my room and over to my bed, laying her down on it. "Why am I in here?" She asks again.

"How else am I to make sure you're okay?" Good, that sounds better than 'you're cute'. Good excuse for wanting to sleep next to her. "Is that okay with you?" I turn to look at her and she's already got her eyes closed. I smile at her even though she can't see me.

"Yeah, that's fine with me, I guess."

I walk into the bathroom to take off my clothes from today, leaving only my boxers. I doubt it'll bother her that much. I walk back into the room and she opens her eyes. Almost as if it was a reflex, her eyes make their way up and down me. "Enjoying the view?" I laugh. 

"Didn't I answer that before? My answer hasn't changed from yes." Her eyes meet mine and I give her a small smile. Her face is now red as if she didn't realize those words had escaped her lips. 

"Sweetheart, you don't need to be embarrassed, I'm quite an angelic sight to see." I smirk and she looks away, still blushing. 

I hear her voice, now quiet as she's speaking to herself, "I'd say more godlike than angelic."

"What was that?" I heard her but I want to see her look at me when she admits that.

"What was what?" She pretends to be confused but I can see it in her eyes that she knows I know what she said.

I raise an eyebrow as if to say 'out with it'.

"Don't make me say it again..." I continue staring at her, waiting for her to repeat herself. "Fine... I said more godlike than angelic." She turns away from me but I choose to tease her a little more. 

I sit down on the floor by the bed, leaning my arms on the bed and resting my chin on top of my hand. She knows I'm there when the bed caves in a bit where I'm leaning. "So, you think I'm godlike?" She's not even looking at me but yet she still turns redder. "What is it about me? My chest? My abs? My hair?" She's adorable, still refusing to look at me. 

She turns her face in my direction, but doesn't open her eyes. I don't know what came over me, but I reach my hand out and lightly brush her hair out of her face, aiming to put the strands behind her ear. It practically murders my heart when she flinches away from my touch, not letting me. I wish I could go back in time and meet her sooner and get her out of that place before it did this to her. This sweet, amazing, beautiful girl didn't deserve to be hurt that way. 

"You can trust me, Sweetheart." The room is silent aside from our breathing. I try again to get her to trust me. Her flinch is much lighter this time and she actually allows me to put her hair behind her ears. I move my hand to her cheek and I can hear her breath hitch. 

This is affecting her as much as it's affecting me... 

I weigh my chances and decide it's worth the shot. I lean forward, putting my forehead against hers till our lips are inches apart and our short breaths are intertwined. We sit like that for a few moments, my fingers delicately caressing her face. I see her bite her lip just before she shocks me by closing the gap between our lips. 

I hate to get sappy, but it was like an electric pull between us. She tasted so sweet, like candy. But not just any candy, like one of those addicting ones that you never want to stop eating. The kiss was brief, but it left me breathless and craving more. I'm tempted to kiss her again, but I don't want to push her. I want her to feel safest around me. 

Her eyes flutter open. The green and blue in them is mixed like a shimmering crystal making me stare in awe. The gaze is short lived though because she turns from me. "Goodnight, Aiden." The way she said it was quick and adorable. You can hear a nervous tone in her voice. 

I kissed her. In all honesty, she kissed me. But still, we kissed... And dear god, I'm hooked on her now more than ever. She's a drug I never want to stop doing, even if it killed me in the end. 

The grin on my face didn't go away any time soon. 

I crawled onto the bed next to her, being careful not to move it too much so I didn't hurt her. Just as I was about to turn over, Charlie moved closer to me. So instead of turning onto my stomach, I put my arm around her and let her snuggle closer to me. 

'God, if you're out there, I know I'm an asshole and I know I don't deserve her, but please, let me keep her...'

With that thought, I fall asleep with her still in my arms. 


Happy? Or no? Because I can totally break them apart if ya'll want. I mean, there's a lot of ways I could go with this. Muahahahaha

So what did you think? Remember to comment and vote! Thanks guys!

- Nyx S. 

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