"Are ya' callin' me a bitch?" Alexa hisses as she jumps up from the couch, dropping her heating pad on the couch cushion.

"I said no such thing," James replies with a smirk.

"Buy ya' implyin' it," She growls. "Ya wanna fight? It may be ya' birthday but I don't mind pummeling ya',"

"Alexa, let's go take that nap," Codee says quickly as she tugs on her moody mates arm. "Come on, baby,"

"But he called me a bitch," Alexa protest.

"Did not," James argues. Here we go. They always find something to argue about; they act like five year old's fighting over who took the last cookie.

"Ya implied it!" Alexa hollers.

"I did not, you're just looking too deep into this,"

"No! Ya implied that I was bitch by saying that ya' glad ya' was born a boy and that Sebastian is a boy!"

"How does that imply you're a bitch?" James asks confused. "I was saying I'm glad I don't have to go through with that, and I'm glad Sebastian doesn't have to go through with it either,"

"Because I'm a bitch?"

"No, you crazy woman," Uh oh, bad move James.

"Now I'm crazy?" Alexa screams. "I'm a bitch and crazy?"

"What? No!" James says quickly.

"Guess what, James, Sebastian is crazy too! He has been acting like a pregnant woman for two weeks tryin' to put this all together just for ya'! And ya' have the balls to call me a bitch and crazy?"

"I didn't call you either of those, Alexa, goddess," James groans out.

"The goddess is a woman too, James, so I bet if she had a body she would go through this as well. Ya gonna call her a bitch and crazy too?"

"Of course not, Alexa, and I didn't call you either of those either!" James says exasperated.

"Ya did too!" Alexa screams.

"I did not!" James screams back.

"Then what did ya mean by Sebastian bein' a boy too? Obviously, it means ya' don't want him to be a bitch and crazy like me!"

"I meant that I like Sebastian being a boy because I like his parts, Alexa," James says more quietly. My face flushes once again and I swear everyone is watching us. Please, let the floor open up and swallow me.

"So ya' think I don't look good enough?" Alexa asks appalled.

"No, I just like Sebastian. He's has things you don't, Alexa,"

"Are ya' sayin' I'm not a good lover because I don't have a penis?" She screams.

"What? No, Alexa-,"

"I'm a great lover, James, ask Codee!"

"Me?" Codee squeaks. "Please leave me out of this," She whispers.

"I may not have a penis but I still have a hole, in fact, I have two fucking holes!" Alexa continues.

"Alexa, I think you need that nap, sweetie," Mr. Tyler says as he tries to pull his insane PMSing daughter away.

"Are ya' calling me a bitch too, daddy?" She screams. "I can't believe ya'll," Then she bursts out into tears.

"Oh dear," Codee whispers. "I'll take care of her,"

Mr. Tyler let's go of Alexa as Codee wraps an arm around her shoulders and leads her away from the living room. James blinks a few times before he chuckles.

Sebastian (BoyXBoy, Werewolf)(Book 2) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now