Chapter Seventeen - Crazy

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You waited on the roof, your knees close to your chest. The sun was setting. You had to go home soon.
"Isn't it nice?"
Ichimatsu sat down next to you, his lidded eyes focused on the horizon.
"Ichimatsu I have to go dad might get angry.."
The Purple Matsuno cast a sidelong glance at you.
"Can I walk you home?" he murmured.
You nodded, as you got up and walked down to the ground, Ichimatsu close behind. Surprisingly, your house wasn't that far. Maybe three, no two blocks? You clutched Ichimatsu's arm the whole time.
You arrived outside your house.
"We're here.." you whispered, you eyes glittered with memory.
The matsu hummed a response.
"I'll.. L-Let's meet again! At the p-park tomorrow morning?" you said, your face a bright tint of crimson.


Ichimatsu nodded. Giving you a hug, he turned heel and walked away, his hands in his hoodie pockets. His face was in a goofy grin. You were just too cute...


You furrowed your eyebrows and snuggled closer to the pillow. It's steady heartbeat and gentle breaths soothing.

Wait. Pillows don't have a heartbeat.

You abruptly woke up and scrambled off the bed, bringing Ichimatsu down with you.

"Ow." he muttered. Opening his eyes, he stared down at you, as he had landed on top of you. His face was bright red when he realized what position you two were in.

"Oh. Sorry." he said, getting up. He extended a hand towards you to help you up, which you gratefully accepted.

Getting up, you two held hands while walking out of the room, your head in the crook of his neck. You went with him to the kitchen.

"Ah.. I forgot to make breakfast in advance.." he mutters, looking in the fridge. You two were still holding hands.

Ichimatsu closed the fridge and went to the 'empty' room. Your eyes widened as he opened it. The room was no longer empty, but instead had at toys and cat towers, along with a two dishes and a small cat bed. In the middle of the room, was a stretching kitten, it's mouth open in a big yawn.

"Wait here while I cook, okay?" Ichimatsu murmurs, pecking your forehead. You nodded and he left the room.

You sat down and pet the blind kitten, her purrs echoing around. You laid on the ground and decided to nap.


Ichimatsu opened the cupboards and got out seasoning. Getting the salmon from the fridge he began cooking. A quiet, yet audible knock was heard from the door. Removing his apron, he cautiously went to the door. Opening it, he saw Karamatsu and Todomatsu.

"Brother! Glad to see you're alright. Is this (Y/N)'s home?" he said, trying to see inside.

"Hello, Ichimatsu-niisan! We were worried when you didn't come home last night.." Todomatsu said, looking at his brother with a hint of suspicion.

"Oh. I'm making breakfast for (Y/N)." Ichimatsu murmurs, trying to close the door. "I'll be home tonight."

Karamatsu forced the door open.

"H-Hey what's your problem?!" Ichimatsu exclaimed.

"Is (Y/N) alright? We haven't seen her lately, and Totty says she hasn't been going to work." Karamatsu, said, warning in his tone.

"She's fine! Leave!" Ichimatsu said, trying not to yell.

"Can we see her?" Todomatsu asks, peeking over his older brothers shoulder.

"No!" Ichimatsu growls.

Karamatsu sighed and glanced at Todomatsu. "Guess we can't do this the easy way.." he mutters.

"Yeah.." Todomatsu says a bit sadly.

"W-What do you mean 'easy way'? What are you guys do-!" Ichimatsu fell to the ground as Karamatsu punched him in the gut. He went out cold a few seconds later.

"Geez, Niisan! Couldn't you have been a little gentler?" Todomatsu says, looking at his older brother.

"I wish. Let's go find (Y/N)." Karamatsu says with a sigh, carrying his unconcious brother to the couch.


You wake up from a distressed Mizu nudging you, her mewls scared.

"What is it, Mizu?.. Breakfast ready?" you whisper, getting up and stretching."

"Did we check here yet?" said a voice.

"I don't think so."

You turn your attention to the door. Picking up Mizu, you call out.

"I-Is someone there? I-Ichimatsu?" you call nervously.

The door opened and your eyes widen. Karamatsu and Todomatsu stood in the doorway.

"(Y/N)!" they both exclaim, running and hugging you.

"K-Karamatsu and T-Totty?" you say, confused. "What are you doing here?"

"We're taking you away from Ichimatsu-niisan! He's crazy!" Todomatsu says, pulling away.

"Don't call your brother crazy, Todomatsu. He just... has a problem." Karamatsu says to the younger sibling.

"What do you mean take away? Wh-Where's Ichimatsu?" you say nervously.

"Asleep. Karamatsu-niisan knocked him out. He's okay though!" Todomatsu chirps.

Grabbing your wrist, Todomatsu leads you out of your house. You spot Ichimatsu out like a light on your couch.

"Ichimatsu..." you murmur as you leave.

"We're going to the hospital to pick up your roommate and then we're going to the airport!" Todomatsu says, ushering you into a car.

"K-Konoha? She's alive?" you say, surprised.

"Mhm! She was in critical condition for a few weeks, and then she told us that niisan had stabbed her and some kid!" Todomatsu says, shivering. The car starts moving.

You hear someone yell your name, and you turn around to see out the window. You see Ichimatsu fighting with Karamatsu, trying to get to you. The younger was obviously losing.

"What about Ichimatsu?" you say nervously.

"He's going to the Hospital once you leave to America with Konohara-san." he says.

"A-America?! But I only know Japanese!" you exclaim.

"Konohara-san is American, she can teach you. We're trying to get you away from niisan so it's easier for him to calm down. Konohara says you can comeback once he's all better~!"

You sigh in relief. Looking behind you, you hear the yelling get fainter and fainter.


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