Chapter Five - Hello

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You walked off from the three. You felt a gaze boring into your back but resisted the urge to turn around.

You decided to do some light window shopping at the mall. But first, you went to your apartment to change your clothes.


You arrived at the mall, Denim Leggings and a lavender sweatshirt, you walked around. Seeing a small, humble store you went in. A 'Half Off' poster on the windows.

You bought yourself some casual clothes. An oversized grey hoodie, a blanket, and blue button up. A small trinket caught your eye.

It was a small plush of a white cat with black splotches. Its piercing green eyes stared into your soul.

Maybe you should give him another chance.

You put the plush in your basket and paid for your items.

You were about to leave when you saw it. It was one of those 7 ft Stuffed Bears.

I need it.

Walking inside you tried to pick it up, but it ended with you sitting on the floor, exhausted.

"Need help?"

You turned your head to the voice. A tall, brown haired man with brown eyes stared at you.

"Y-Yeah..I guess I'm too weak. Hah...." you said awkwardly.

He flashed you a gentle smile and lifted the bear over his head as if it was nothing.

You gaped in awe and followed him to the checkout area.

After paying, the man looked at you, a smile on his face.

"Your hands are kind of full, do you want me to drop this off at your house with you?"

You gave him a grateful smile and nodded.

"By the way, my name is Mikenzu Kyrie!"

"(L-L/N), (F/N)." you stuttered, a light blush on your face.


You clumsily opened the door and moved aside to let the man in.

He set the bear down and smiled at you.

"Well, (Y/N), see you later~!" he said, leaving.

You felt your heart flutter as he left, a bit sad.

Shaking it off, you closed the door. You took out your phone only to see a text from Todomatsu.

>Hi (Y/N)! Ichimatsu said he wants to meet you at the park today at five~!

You glanced at the wall clock.

4:50?! Crap!

You bolted up, and ran out, carefully closing and locking the apartment door. Groaning, you ran back in and grabbed a small gift bag and put the cat plush in. Sprinting to the park, you stopped to catch your breath on a bench.


"Y-You came?.." muttered a surprised but monotonous voice.

Turning around, you saw Ichimatsu. He looked as if he took time to pick out an outfit, a white shirt with a purple cardigan over it, and light blue pants with a stripe going down one side.

You scoffed and stood up.

"I only came so you could see I've moved on." you spat, but secretly you were kind of excited for this date.

"O-Oh.." he said, but then he stiffened and grabbed you by the shoulders. "D-Did you get a b-b-boyfriend?!" His eyes danced with a familiar emotion that you couldn't name.

"Tch, get off of me!" you said, pushing him off. " Why would I trust another guy to go out with me after what you did?"

Ichimatsu paused, and looked at you, regret in his onyx eyes.

"What's in there?" he said, pointing to the bag.

"N-Nothing. Anyways, where are you going to take me on this date?" you asked.

Ichimatsu grabbed your hand and led the way.


You and Ichimatsu were in front of an ice cream parlor. But not just any parlor, it was the one you went to the first time you two had hung out.

Going inside, you noticed not much had changed. Ichimatsu squeezed your hand to snap you out of your daze.

"Hello! What can I get you?" said a lady at the counter, her frilly hair bounced with optimism.

"C-Can I just get (F/F) Ice cream?.." you muttered.

She nodded and turned to Ichimatsu. "What about  you, sir?"

"Cat sundae." he said blatantly, his eyes were darting around nervously.

Surprisingly, Ichimatsu paid and you two sat down in a booth. Ichimatsu was staring intently at you and your bag.

You felt warmth crawl up to your cheeks, pink lightly dusting your features.

The lady came back with our ice cream, and bid us good day.

We both ate in silence. It felt kinda awkward and tense.

Glancing at Ichimatsu, you noticed he would still watch you even while eating.

Okay, that's pretty weird.

You two finished eating and  threw away your trash.

Walking out, Ichimatsu put an arm around your shoulder, making you glare at him.

Ichimatsu once again led the way to the next destination.

"Found" (Yandere!Ichimatsu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now