Chapter One - Sighting

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You sighed as you and Konoha made it to the new bakery. You glanced at each other. Her blue eyes were full of excitement while your (E/C) eyes were full of well.. uncertainty. It had been 4 years since you were in this side of town. All the 'Missing Person' posters were gone, and the police passed you off as 'dead'. Of course, your employers found it weird you had the same name of a girl that went missing 3 years ago, but they didn't judge. You landed the job, and made good money. You met Konoha and you two had lived together ever since. Of course, you didn't tell her you were the missing girl, but you two were close. She would normally fuss over you like a mother hen whenever you would come back late at night from your nightly strolls.

"Let's go, (Y/N)!" chirruped Konoha, grabbing your wrist and dragging you into the bakery.

It looked the same as the old one, with minor differences. A soothing crackling sound was heard as you saw the wood fire oven. A delicious aroma filled the air, and semi colorful pastries decorated glass shelves.

"Ah! Are you two the last of the transfer employees?" said an elderly voice.

You and Konoha turned towards the voice. An elderly woman stood in the doorway of what seemed to be an office, but a bit more spacious. Both of you nodded.

"Oh splendid! Come over here and I shall explain your duties!"


You were hard at work, serving every customer and calling out names and numbers of finished orders.

It was a bit late at night to go home, as the bakery had gotten lots of customers and attention.

You and Konoha clocked out and took off your uniforms, you changing into a grey sweater with khakis and Konoha her blue jeans and black pullover. You put on a surgical mask as you left the counter.

Leaving the building you saw a scene that made your blood run cold, your eyes widening in fear.

There, at Sutabaa Cafe were six identical men, with minor differences.

"(Y/N)?" Konoha said a bit too loudly to snap you out of your daze, "You okay? You're as white as a sheet!"

One of the six men, one with broken, emotionless, and lidded eyes glanced up at the mention of your name. His eyes widened when he saw your familiar (H/C) hair.

"I-I'm fine, let's go!" you squeaked in a panicked tone.

You grabbed your friends wrist and hurried out of the area.


Ichimatsu's POV

I watched her leave. Words were stuck in my throat.

"(Y-Y/N).." I choked out.

"Hmm? Did you say something, Ichimatsu-niisan?" Todomatsu said, his boyish, innocent eyes glanced up at his older brother, who had barely talked since he came to pick him up from work.

"N-Nothing. It's nothing." I muttered.

Sh-She's alive! Wait, I might just be going crazy. The surgical mask and hair fit (Y/N) so well, though! That had to be her. She's still alive!

"Brother~. Are you okay?" Karamatsu said, resting his hand on my shoulder.


Karamatsu pulled me away from the group.

"O-Oi! Let go of me, Shitty-"

"You saw her too, didn't you." he muttered, his color contacted eyes full of a mystical fog, memories in the fake colored eyes.

My lidded eyes widened.

"Was that really..." I whispered, tears beginning to form at my eyes.

Karamatsu nodded and hugged me.

Warm tears freely streamed out of my eyes. I clutched his blue hoodie tightly, sobbing into his shoulder.

"Oi! Stop being gay over there!" Yelled Osomatsu. "We're about to leave, come on!"

Karamatsu pulled away. "You okay?"

I nodded and wiped my eyes. "Y-Yeah.."


Your POV

"(Y/N), are you sure you're okay? You're looking around every five minutes like we'd be getting followed." Konoha stated, unlocking the apartment door.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine." you said, heading inside.

You locked the door and closed the curtains, checking outside each window. A hand grabbed your arm, forcing you to face them.

"(Y/N). If something is wrong, you have to tell me. You've been really paranoid ever since we left the bakery." Konoha said, her blue eyes wide with worry and concern.

You sighed.

"I'm just a bit on edge after the first day." you lied. You hated lying, especially to the person you live with, but you couldn't tell her. Not now.

She gave a sigh. "Alriiight. Go relax, I'm going to make dinner." giving a small smile.

You nodded. Grabbing your surgical mask and a coat, you decided to walk around outside. You secretly hid pepper spray, considering how dark it was.

Cold air gusted your face as you opened the door. "Text me when you're done, I'll be back as soon as I can." you called.

You walked out and out on the mask. You decided to stroll out by the park.

Aah. This brings back memories..



You, Ichimatsu, and Ryou went to the park. It was a nice day, with a little bit of wind.

Going on the playground, you climbed until you were on the roof of a cone shaped spire, your two friends staying on the wood chipped ground.

"Hey look at me!" you said with a laugh, balancing on the tip of the spire.

"(Y-Y-Y/N! Be careful!" called an anxious Ryou.

Flashback end

You let out an exasperated sigh, your eyes glittering with memory.

"That was four years ago. When I thought he cared about me.." you whispered to yourself.

"He still does."

You turned your head to the source of sound to see a man clad in a leather jacket.

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