Chapter Thirteen - Home

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You felt your arms fall limply to your sides.

No.. It's over.. It's all over...

You felt a pair of arms wrap tightly around you, and someones head rest atop yours. Glancinng up, it was Ichimatsu. A growl was rumbling in his throat, and his nails felt like claws.

"(Y/N). Come here now." Your dad said gently, yet menacingly.

"N-No.." you whispered meekly, eyes wide in fear.

"What was that?" he said, a storm brewing in his tone.

"She said no, meddlesome idiot." Ichimatsu spat, pulling you closer to him.

"No? What do you mean no? We're going home. Let's go, (Y/N). He said menacingly. Your dad and Syrio stepped closer.

"Grr...." Ichimatsu said. Letting go of you, he moved in front of you protectively.

"(Y/N). When I say go, run as fast as you can to your apartment, okay?" Ichimatsu whispered. You shakily nodded.

"Get out of the way!" Your dad said, Syrio and him lunging at Ichimatsu.

"Go!" Ichimatsu yelled. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you ran.

"Syrio, follow her!" you heard your dad yell.

You cried as you ran away. Sharply turning a corner, you looked around, for a sign of a familiar landmark.

Your eyes darted to a coffee shop sign.

Sutabaa Coffee. I'm close!

You ran faster, towards your apartment. You heard footsteps behind you but didn't dare turn around.

Fishing out your phone you dialed Konoha.

"Hello~? Ancestia Konohara here~"

"Konoha! O-Open the door, I'm coming! N-No time to explain!" you said, before hanging up.

Oh god..

Running, you spotted the stairs to your apartment. Running up, you saw your open door. Almost there! "Konoha!" you screeched tiredly, as something snagged on your leg. Turning your head you saw Syrio holding onto you.

"(Y/N)? H-Hey! Let go you creep!" Konoha yelled, running up to drag you away from him. Getting you onto your feet, she pushed you into the apartment and tossed you her keys. "Lock the door and hide!" she yelled before being dragged away by Syrio.

"K-Konoha.." you said, letting out a choked sob. Closing and locking the door, you shut yourself i the bedroom.

Ichimatsu.. please be safe..


(Y/N).. please be safe..

Ichimatsu threw a punch at the older man, hitting his jaw.

"You brat!" he yelled, shovimg him down.

He wrapped his fingers around Ichimatsu's neck, choking him.

Struggling to breathe, Ichimatsu grabbed a small shiv he saw on the ground, most likely left behind by a gang. Bringimg the shiv he sliced open the mans neck.

"G-Gah!" he choked out, releasing his neck to cup his own.

Ichimatsu felt a small smile creep onto his face. He just killed a man, but he protected (Y/N). That's all that mattered.

Wait, her brother is still chasing her!

Ichimatsu ran, the shiv tucked in his hoodie pocket. He saw familiar blonde hair and a small (H/C) haired boy fighting. Running up the stairs, he saw Syrio and Konoha fighting, Konoha keeping him away from the door.

"Ichimatsu! Help!" Konoha said anxiously, keeping the 14 year old at bay.

Grabbing the teen, he stabbed the shiv into the back of his head, blood decorated his face as a choked out groan was heard.

"I-Ichimatsu?" Konoha said.

"Wheres..(Y/N)?" Ichimatsu growled out, leaving Syrio's body and walking towards the blonde.

"Sh-She's inside, w-wh-AMMPH!"

Konoha let out a muffled scream as Ichimatsu plunged the shiv into her temples, Ichimatsu's blood soaked hand muffling her.

Watching her drop to the floor, he forced open the apartment door.

Whimpering could be heard from a dark room.

"" whispered someone.

Opening the door, Ichimatsu saw a curled up and sobbing (Y/N). Glancing up, she saw Ichimatsu, blood all over him.

"Ichi...matsu..." (Y/N) whispered.

"Ssh, it's okay now.. I'm here, okay?" Ichimatsu said gently, walking up to you.

"W-Why are you covered in b-b-bloo-"

Ichimatsu cut her off with a rough, possessive kiss.

"(Y/N)... K-Konoha is d-d-dead," he said as he pulled away, forcing his voice to waver, as if he felt sad. "S-Syrio killed her.. I had no ch-choice.." he lied.

"I-Ichimatsu..." (Y/N) said, sobbing.

"Come on. Let's go home."

"Found" (Yandere!Ichimatsu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now