Chapter Fifteen - Mizu

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You laid in the empty room. There was nothing you could hurt yourself with. Ichimatsu had removed everything that could hurt you. The mattress felt hard and uncomfortable.

"You can come out when you decide to stop hurting yourself." Ichimatsu had once said to you. That was weeks ago.

Ichimatsu would sleep over some nights if you were bad, but would return home most nights.

You looked at your hands, which had wads of cloth on them to stop you from scratching yourself. You had no intent on hurting Ichimatsu. Only yourself.

Footsteps sounded from the door. Glancing up, you watched the door open. Ichimatsu was back, but this time he didn't have food for you.

"..?" you make a curious noise, not wanting to talk.

Ichimatsu closed the door and locked it. Sitting on the bed with you. A small mrrow was heard. Your eyes widened when a small white kitten with blue eyes came out of his jacket.

"W-What.." you croaked out. You barely drank or ate, so your voice was scratchy.

The small kitten crawled up to the sound source and sniffed you. It rubbed its cheek on your hand when you reached out for it to sniff you. A small smile came to your face as you watched the kitten roll around, letting out small mews.

Ichimatsu's face lit up at your smile. His lidded eyes widened in joy as he watched you smile fondly at the kitten.

"W-We can keep it if you want.. I'll let you out more often and stuff.." Ichimatsu said, a small blush on his face.

You looked at him, raising an eyebrow. You shakily nodded. "I-I'ts name is Mizu.. Sh-She's blind, also.." he murmured.

Your smile wavers, watching the kitten wander aimlessly on the bed, letting out mews. It was too precious.

"Let's go eat breakfast, and then we'll go outside." Ichimatsu said, standing up.

"O-Outside?" you murmur, as if it was foreign language.

"Mhm..we need to buy cat food and stuff for Mizu." he said, taking your hand. You grabbed Mizu and followed.

You were thin. You had at least lost 90 pounds, due to trying to starve to death, so you were a bit weak. Mizu felt heavy.

You sat down on the table, and let Mizu wander around on the floor. On your plate was rice and curry. It reminded you of her. Ichimatsu's eyes widened as he watched you eat. You weren't refusing to eat. Normally, Ichimatsu would have to hold you down and force you to eat, but today was different.

"May I have water, I-Ichimatsu?" you said meekly and nervously.

Ichimatsu quickly nodded, a bit shocked. Like eating, Ichimatsu would normally force you to drink. Getting up, he quickly rushed to get water.

You looked at Mizu, her blind eyes wide in curiosity as she bumped into everything, letting out little mews and mrrows of delight.

Ichimatsu came back and handed you the water. You drank slowly, not used to drinking 'normally'.

"Go to your room and get dressed. I'll be by the door." Ichimatsu said, picking up your plate and glass.

You nodded and shakily got up, your legs wobbly. You went to your room, and edged to the closet.

You decided to choose a blue button up and jeans, with a (F/C) hoodie over it all. Slipping on some socks and shoes, you went to the door.

Ichimatsu was holding Mizu, waiting for you. "Ready?" he asked.

You nodded, and Ichimatsu opened the door. You squinted at the familiar sun as light filled the dreary house.

"Found" (Yandere!Ichimatsu x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن